Submitted papers

pdf (with M. Sodin) Iossif Ostrovskii's work on entire functions
pdf Topics in Geometric theory of meromorphic functions
pdf Metrics of constant positive curvature with conic singularities. A survey.

Preprints and talks

  • pdf (with Ch. Bishop and K. Lazebnik) On the shapes of rational lemniscates, 7.3.24.
  • pdf Metrics of constant positive curvature with conic singularities on compact surfaces, Geometry seminar, Penn State, 3.13.24.
  • pdf Metrics of positive curvature with conic singularities on compact surfaces, Warsaw, June 1, 2023.
  • pdf Hayman's contribution to the theory of meromorphic functions, talk in One day Function theory meeting, London, 9.5.22.
  • pdf Liouville's equation in the plane, seminar in Hunan University, August 22, 2022.
  • pdf Diffrential equations w''+Aw = 0, where A is entire of finite order, having a basis of solutions with only real zeros, Ivano-Frankivsk, May 13, 2022.
  • pdf Moduli spaces for Lame functions, Kharkiv Mathematical Society, Jan. 18, 2022.
  • pdf Metrics of constant positive curvature with conic singularities, Seminar Geometric Analysis, Purdue August 30, 2021.
  • pdf Rejected letter to the Notices AMS.
  • pdf Meromorphic functions with a-points in disjoint sets, Complex Analysis, Lviv, 6.28-7.1, 2021.
  • pdf On a problem of Stanislaw Saks, talk in Lviv Math Society seminar on May 20, 2021.
  • pdf Moduli spaces for Lame functions (slides of the talk on DGGA seminar, Princeton Univ. 2.10.2021 seminar, 7.15.2020).
  • pdf Homogeneous potentials, (workshop in Lisbon, July 8, 2019).
  • pdf Real solutions of Painleve VI and special pentagons. (Fields Inst. June 3, 2019). Video.
  • pdf Interactions of Function Theory with Holomorphic Dynamics (talk on the 60-th birthday of Walter Bergweiler, Edinburgh, July 2018).
  • pdf Coaxial monodromy, Lecture in Banff, April 2, 2018, Video.
  • pdf Entire functions with radially distributed a-points (Tel Aviv, Jan 30, 2017).
  • pdf Gluing linear differential equations, a seminar talk, March 2016.
  • pdf Zeros and coefficients, October 2015.
  • pdf Lectures on entire functions in Kent State University, March 14-15, 2015.
  • pdf Spherical polygons and differential equations, seminar talk, summer 2014.
  • pdf (with W. Bergweiler and A. Sokal) Roots of polynomials with positive coefficients, June 14, 2014, preliminary version of paper 160.
  • pdf Stahl's proof of the BMV conjecture (Conference talk in Russian), Kharkiv, June 2013.
  • pdf Singularities of inverse functions (Lecture in a workshop on Complex analysis and dynamics in Edinburgh, May 2013).
  • pdf Linear independence of exponentials on the real line (Preprint, 2012)
  • pdf Linear differential equations whose general solutions are elementary entire functions (Preprint, 2012)
  • pdf Schwarzian derivatives of rational functions (Draft, 2012) (see also Cui Guizhen, Gao Yan, Tan Lei and Hans Henrik Rugh).
  • pdf Goldberg's constants (a seminar talk at Purdue University, Oct. 2011).
  • pdf Simultaneous stabilization (a seminar talk at Purdue University, Oct. 2011).
  • pdf Uniform approximation of sgn(x) on two intervals, Colloquium talk on paper 138, 2011.
  • pdf Lectures on Nevanlinna theory in the Weizmann Institute, Dec. 2010, corrected on July 15, 2012.
  • pdf Wronski map, Schubert calculus and Pole Placement (talk at AIM, Oct. 2010)
  • pdf Singular perturbation and real spectral loci, Colloquium talk on paper 143. Last modified on August 18, 2010.
  • pdf Geometric theory of meromorphic functions. (Lectures in U. Michigan in May 2006. This is an expanded version of my paper 104)
  • pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Elementary proof of the B. and M. Shapiro conjecture for rational functions, Oct. 10, 2005 (expanded version).
  • pdf Progress in entire and meromorphic functions, 2003 (Report on the problems from Hayman's collection).
  • pdf Sleeping armadillos and Dirichlet Principle (Preprint, 2003)
  • pdf Numbers and Functions. Introduction to Vojta's analogy, (Seminar talk, 1999).
  • pdf Julia directions for holomorphic curves, (Preprint, 1994).
  • pdf Jentzsch sets of functions analytic in the unit disc (Preprint, 1993)
  • pdf Julia sets are uniformly perfect, (Preprint, 1992).
  • pdf Linear independence of exponentials (Preprint).
  • pdf Distribution of zeros of some real polynomials and iteration theory (undated preprint, late 1980s).
  • video, 114 min Iteration of entire functions, Lecture on Sullivan's seminar, CUNY Graduate center, Jan 30, 1990.

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