Recent Faculty Awards

Sloan Fellowships
Antonio Sa Barreto (1993) and Sai Kee Yeung (1994) are recent recipients of Sloan Research Fellowships. Approximately 100 fellows are selected each year from hundreds of highly qualified young scientists and economists from the United States and Canada. Selection procedures are designed to identify those who show the most outstanding promise of making fundamental contributions to new knowledge. Fellows are free to pursue whatever lines of inquiry are of the most compelling interest to them.

AMS Centennial Research Fellowship
Professor Patricia Bauman was awarded one of two American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships for 1994-95. Her research focuses on partial differential equations in several space dimensions, and applications. Most recently she has investigated the qualitative behavior of solutions to nonlinear systems arising from mathematical models of elastic deformations and superconducting materials.

Lilly Endowment Faculty Open Fellowship
Professor Fabio Milner is one of ten faculty members in Indiana to receive a Lilly Endowment Faculty Open Fellowship for 1994-95. Milner discovered while teaching mathematics education classes that "I started to feel an urge to develop better teaching techniques in order to get students to understand the process, not just the product." During the course of the fellowship, he will devote his time to developing two new applied mathematics courses: an undergraduate course in industrial mathematics, in which students would participate in the solution of real-world problems arising in industry, and a graduate level course in biomathematics, a growing interdisciplinary area.

Outstanding Teacher in the School of Science
Professor Robert Zink was named by juniors and seniors in the School of Science as the Outstanding Teacher in the School of Science for 1993-1994. Selection was based on teaching ability and interest in the students themselves beyond the confines of the classroom. The award, sponsored by the Purdue Alumni Foundation, was presented to Professor Zink in April at the University Spring Honors Convocation.

MAA Teaching Award
Professor Justin J. Price received one of three national awards from the Mathematical Association of America for distinguished college or university teaching. Recipients of the national awards are chosen from the group of winners of sectional teaching awards each year. The award was presented in January 1994 at a joint annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Association.

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