How to transfer files between math and a PUCC PC

First, logon to a PUCC PC (see logging onto a PUCC PC).

The easiest way to transfer files on a PUCC PC is to use the ftp feature in Netscape. For example, log on to a PUCC PC and start Netscape. Go to the FILE menu and select OPEN and type

where your_login_id is your login id on the Math Dept SUN's. After you push RETURN, you will be prompted to type your math dept account password. Click in the box, type your password, and push RETURN (or click on OK). Your entire file system on your math account should appear (including all the DOT files in your home directory). Click on a folder to see the files and folders that it contains. Click on a file to get a transfer menu. Type the name you want to call the copy of the math file on your PUCC career account in the box, e.g.,


and click OK. You can transfer files the other way too. For example, your career acount is copied to the PUCC machine picket. You can enter the URL

from Netscape running on math to transfer files from your career account to a math account (where this time your_login_id is your id on your PUCC career account and the password you type is also your PUCC career account password). If you use your account on the PUCC machines expert or mentor, you can gain access to your PUCC career account files in the same way by replacing picket by expert or mentor.

Another way to use ftp is to use the PC version of ftp that can be found on each PUCC machine. Click on the word START with the left mouse button (in the upper left corner of the Win98 screen) to expose a menu. Choose

/Standard Software/Telecommunications/Applications/ftp

An ftp window will pop up in a few seconds containing a smaller window listing your directories and files on the PUCC PC. Click on OPEN CONNECTION on the toolbar of the big ftp window and type

in the HOST box of the dialogue box that pops up. Fill in your math login ID and password in the appropriate boxes and click on OK. If you typed everything correctly, a second small window should appear on top of the other little window in a few seconds. You will want both little windows inside the ftp window to be fully visible. To achieve this, left mouse click on the lower right corner of the big ftp window and drag it to enlarge the big window. Now left mouse click on the top bar of the small window and drag the whole little window down so that it does not overlap with the other small window.

Let's say you used the scanner in LAEB B-286 and that you saved an image file to

PUCC: C:/temp/image.tif

and you want to transfer this file to math. Double left mouse click on the icon for the directory


and then scroll down to the temp subdirectory icon and double click on it. A list of files that you saved in the temp directory should appear in a column in the little box on the right hand side of this little window. Click on your file image.tif to highlight it.

In the other little window (, you should see a list of files in your home directory on math. To transfer the file image.tif to math, go up and left mouse click on it in the other little window and drag it to the little window where the files in your math home directory are listed. You will be aksed if you really want to make the transer. Click on OK or YES. And voila, it should appear in the list of files in your home directory.

Transfering in the other direction is almost as self explanatory.

When you are done transferring files, choose CLOSE CONNECTION from the ftp big window toolbar and answer YES. Then choose EXIT from the FILE menu. The window should go away.

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