set] MATH DEPT Computer News, Volume 27

How to approve Plans of Study on the web.

First, make sure you know your Purdue Career Account Login and Password. If you don't know yours, just go down to the ITaP lab in the sub-basement of the Math building and ask the lab assistant for help.

If your "signature" is needed on a Plan of Study, you will get an e-mail from the Graduate School requesting you to "electronically" sign the form by going to a certain very long URL. One reason people have trouble with this procedure is that the URL is so long that it frequently gets spread over two lines in the e-mail, making it hard to copy and paste into your browser's OPEN URL box. If it is spread between two lines, it also botches up certain e-mail programs that let you open a URL from the body of an e-mail. A sure fire way to open the URL is to come to this page and to click on the link,


Next, type in your login ID and password and click on LOGIN. After you are logged in, you'll see a list of student names. Click on the name of the student who needs your signature. Scroll down to near the bottom of the page that pops up. Your name should be in a box somewhere. Just click on the APPROVE button next to your name and then click on the SUBMIT SIGNATURE button. That's all there is to it.

The same procedure applies if a student files a Change of Plan of Study request. It might not be so obvious in this case, but all you need to do is to click on their name and approve the change just the same as above.

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