LECTURES: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00, Rec 122 and 12:00, Rec 315,
 lecturer Alex Eremenko
 	  office MA 600, hours: TTh 1:30-2:30 + by appointment
               	  ph.: 494-1975, e-mail eremenko@math.purdue.edu

BOOK: W. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary differential equations
and boundary value problems, Willey, 2012 (10-th edition).

HOMEWORK: Due every Tuesday, before the lecture starts,
          late homework not accepted (in emergency, hand it in advance,
or make your own arrangement with the grader).

GRADER: Amirreza Fahim Golestaneh (afahimgo@purdue.edu) 

EXAMINATION: 2 midterm exams and a final exam


GRADE COMPUTATION: 20% from each mid-term exam, 30% from the final exam,r
15% from homework and 15% from computer projects. 

IMPORTANT policy: No computers, graphic calculators or any other graphing
                  tools except a ruler and a pencil can be used on
                  the exams.