
Intervals and Generalized arrays


Bradley J. Lucier


This SRFI is currently in ``draft'' status. To see an explanation of each status that a SRFI can hold, see here. It will remain in draft status until 2005/XX/XX, or as amended. To provide input on this SRFI, please mailto:srfi-XX@srfi.schemers.org See instructions here to subscribe to the list. You can access previous messages via the archive of the mailing list.


This SRFI specifies an array mechanism for Scheme. Arrays as defined here are quite general, and benefit from a data type called intervals, which encapsulate the cross product of non-empty intervals of exact integers. These intervals specify the domain information for arrays. An array is then characterized as a mapping from multi-indices of exact integers (i0,...,id-1) contained in an interval to Scheme values. Additionally, specialized variants of arrays are specified to provide portable programs with efficient representations for common use cases.


An array, as commonly understood, provides a mapping from multi-indices (i0,...,id-1) of exact integers in a non-empty, rectangular, d-dimensional interval [l0, u0) x [l1, u1) x ... x [ld-1, ud-1) to Scheme objects. Thus, two things are necessary to specify an array: an interval and a mapping.

Since these two things are often sufficient for certain algorithms, we introduce in this SRFI a minimal set of interfaces for dealing with such arrays.

Specifically, an Array specifies a nonempty, multi-dimensional interval, called its domain, and a mapping from this domain to (single) Scheme objects. This mapping is called the getter of the array.

If this mapping can be changed, the array is said to be mutable and the mutation is effected by the array's setter. We call an object of this type a Mutable-array.

In general, we leave the implementation of arrays completely open. They may be defined simply by closures, or they may have hash tables or databases behind an implementation. If the getter and setter functions of a Mutable-array are defined by accessing and setting elements of a one-dimensional (heterogeneous or homogeneous) vector that are determined by a one-to-one function from the domain of the Array into the integers between 0 (inclusive) and the length of the backing-store vector (exclusive), the array is said to be fixed; a Fixed-array is an example of a Mutable-array.

Thus, we need the concept of an indexer, which is a one-to-one mapping whose domain is an Interval and whose range is contained in another Interval. Conceptually, an indexer is itself an Array that returns multiple values. An important subset of indexers are affine mappings (linear mappings plus constants) from one domain to another. We do not encapsulate indexers, with their domain Interval, range Interval, and multi-valued mapping, into a distinct type. Thus our Fixed-arrays are a slightly generalized form of Bawden-style arrays in that we allow non-affine indexers into the backing store of the array.

The backing store of a Fixed-array, which may be a heterogeneous or homogeneous vector, is created, accessed, etc., via the components of objects we call Fixed-array-manipulators. We define their properties below.

Issues and Notes


build-Interval, Interval?, Interval-dimension, Interval-lower-bound, Interval-upper-bound, Interval-lower-bounds->list, Interval-upper-bounds->list, Interval-volume, Interval=, Interval-subset?, Interval-contains-multi-index?, Interval-curry, Interval-distinguish-one-axis, Interval-for-each, Interval-for-each-serial, Interval-reduce, Interval-reduce-serial.
build-Array, Array?, Array-domain, Array-getter, Array-setter, Array-body, Array-indexer, Array-manipulators, Array-affine, Array-lazy-map, Immutable-array-lazy-curry, Immutable-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis, Array-lazy-curry, Array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis, Array-for-each, Array-reduce.
Mutable Arrays
build-Mutable-array, Mutable-array?, Mutable-array-lazy-curry, Mutable-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis.
Fixed Array Manipulators
build-Array-manipulators, Array-manipulators-getter, Array-manipulators-setter, Array-manipulators-maker, Array-manipulators-length, Array-manipulators-default.
Fixed Arrays
build-Fixed-array, Fixed-array?, Fixed-array-lazy-curry, Fixed-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis, Array->Fixed-array, Array->Fixed-array-serial, Fixed-array-share!, Array-map, Array-map-serial.


Intervals are sets of all multi-indices (i1,...,ik) such that l1<=i1<u1, ..., lk<=ik<uk, where the lower bounds (l1,...,lk) and the upper bounds (u1,...,uk) are specified as multi-indices of exact integers. The positive integer k is the dimension of the interval. It is required that l1<u1, ..., lk<uk.


Procedure: build-Interval lower-bounds upper-bounds

Create a new interval; lower-bounds and upper-bounds are nonempty vectors (of the same length) of exact integers that satisfy

(< (vector-ref lower-bounds i) (vector-ref upper-bounds i))

for 0<=i<(vector-length lower-bounds). It is an error if lower-bounds and upper-bounds do not satisfy these conditions.

Procedure: Interval? obj

Returns #t if obj is an interval, and #f otherwise.

Procedure: Interval-dimension interval

If interval is an interval built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds upper-bounds)
then Interval-dimension returns (vector-length lower-bounds). It is an error to call Interval-dimension if interval is not an interval.

Procedure: Interval-lower-bound interval i

If interval is an interval built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds upper-bounds)
and i is an exact integer that satisfies
0 <= i < (vector-length lower-bounds),
then Interval-lower-bound returns (vector-ref lower-bounds i). It is an error to call Interval-lower-bound if interval and i do not satisfy these conditions.

Procedure: Interval-upper-bound interval i

If interval is an interval built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds upper-bounds)
and i is an exact integer that satisfies
0 <= i < (vector-length lower-bounds),
then Interval-upper-bound returns (vector-ref upper-bounds i). It is an error to call Interval-upper-bound if interval and i do not satisfy these conditions.

Procedure: Interval-lower-bounds->list interval

If interval is an interval built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds upper-bounds)
then Interval-lower-bounds->list returns (vector->list lower-bounds). It is an error to call Interval-lower-bounds->list if interval does not satisfy these conditions.

Procedure: Interval-upper-bounds->list interval

If interval is an interval built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds upper-bounds)
then Interval-upper-bounds->list returns (vector->list upper-bounds). It is an error to call Interval-upper-bounds->list if interval does not satisfy these conditions.

Procedure: Interval-volume interval

If interval is an interval built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds upper-bounds)
then Interval-volume returns
(apply * (map - (Interval-upper-bounds->list interval) (Interval-lower-bounds->list interval))
It is an error to call Interval-volume if interval does not satisfy this condition.

Procedure: Interval= interval1 interval2

If interval1 and interval2 are intervals built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds1 upper-bounds1)
(build-Interval lower-bounds2 upper-bounds2)
respectively, then Interval= returns
(and (equal? lower-bounds1 lower-bounds2) (equal? upper-bounds1 upper-bounds2)
It is an error to call Interval= if interval1 or interval2 do not satisfy this condition.

Procedure: Interval-subset? interval1 interval2

If interval1 and interval2 are intervals of the same dimension built with

(build-Interval lower-bounds1 upper-bounds1)
(build-Interval lower-bounds2 upper-bounds2)
respectively, then Interval-subset? returns

(and (equal? (map >= (vector->list lower-bounds1) (vector->list lower-bounds2))
	     (map (lambda (x) #t) (vector->list lower-bounds1)))
     (equal? (map <= (vector->list upper-bounds1) (vector->list upper-bounds2))
	     (map (lambda (x) #t) (vector->list lower-bounds1))))

It is an error to call Interval-subset? if interval1 or interval2 do not satisfy this condition.

Procedure: Interval-contains-multi-index? interval index-0 ...

If interval is an Interval with dimension d and index-0, ..., form a multi-index of length d, then Interval-contains-multi-index? returns #t if and only if

(Interval-lower-bound interval j) <= index-j < (Interval-lower-bound interval j)

for 0<= j < d.

Procedure: Interval-curry interval left-dimension

Conceptually, Interval-curry takes a d-dimensional interval [l0, u0) x [l1, u1) x ... x [ld-1, ud-1) and splits it into two parts

[l0, u0) x [l1, u1) x ... x [lleft-dimension - 1, uleft-dimension - 1)
[lleft-dimension, uleft-dimension) x ... x [ld-1, ud-1)
This function, the inverse of Cartesian products or cross products of intervals, is used to keep track of the domains of curried arrays.

More precisely, if interval is an Interval and left-dimension is an exact integer that satisfies

0 < left-dimension < (Interval-dimension interval)

then Interval-curry returns two intervals:

(values (build-Interval (vector (Interval-lower-bound interval 0)
				(Interval-lower-bound interval (- left-dimension 1)))
			(vector (Interval-upper-bound interval 0)
				(Interval-upper-bound interval (- left-dimension 1))))
	(build-Interval (vector (Interval-lower-bound interval left-dimension)
				(Interval-lower-bound interval (- (Interval-dimension interval) 1)))
			(vector (Interval-upper-bound interval left-dimension)
				(Interval-upper-bound interval (- (Interval-dimension interval) 1)))))

It is an error to call Interval-curry if its arguments do not satisfy these conditions.

Note: This operation projects the original interval onto complementary sets of axes. It is not the most general projection possible, but it is the projection useful in implementing various currying operations on arrays, so we named it Interval-curry rather than a name associated with projections.

Procedure: Interval-distinguish-one-axis interval index

There are many natural operations on Arrays that work along a single axis of the domain of an Array. If you have an Array where one axis represents time, for example, and the other axes represent space, then you may want to do time-series analysis along the time axis for each point in space. In another example, one way to compute a two-dimensional Fourier or wavelet transform is to compute one-dimensional transforms along each row, then one-dimensional transforms along each column. (Transforms that have this computational structure are called "separable".) Interval-curry is used to transform a d-dimensional Interval into multiple (in fact, a d-1 dimensional Interval) one-dimensional intervals (which we call "pencils") along a given axis.

If interval is an interval and (Interval-dimension interval) is greater than one, and

0 <= index < (Interval-dimension interval)

then Interval-distinguish-one-axis returns

(values (build-Interval (vector (Interval-lower-bound interval 0)
				...         ; leaving out (Interval-lower-bound interval index)
				(Interval-lower-bound interval (- left-dimension 1)))
			(vector (Interval-upper-bound interval 0)
				...         ; leaving out (Interval-upper-bound interval index)
				(Interval-upper-bound interval (- left-dimension 1))))
	(build-Interval (vector (Interval-lower-bound interval index))
			(vector (Interval-upper-bound interval index))))

It is an error to call Interval-distinguish-one-axis if its arguments do not satisfy these conditions.

Note: This operation projects the original interval onto complementary sets of axes. It is not the most general projection possible, but it is the projection useful in implementing Array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis, so we named it Interval-distinguish-one-axis rather than a name associated with projections.

Procedure: Interval-for-each f interval

Procedure: Interval-for-each-serial f interval

These routines assume that interval is an interval and f is a routine whose domain includes elements of interval. It is an error to call Interval-for-each if interval and f do not satisfy these conditions.

Interval-for-each calls f on each element of interval; Interval-for-each assumes that f is thread-safe.

Interval-for-each-serial calls f on each element of interval in lexicographical order.

Procedure: Interval-reduce f operator identity interval

Procedure: Interval-reduce-serial f operator identity interval

If interval is an interval and f is a routine whose domain includes elements of interval, then Interval-reduce-serial returns

(... (operator (operator (operator identity (f multi-index1)) (f multi-index2)) (f multi-index3)) ...)
where multi-index1, multi-index2, ... are the multi-indices in interval in lexicographical order.

Interval-reduce returns the same value when operator is associative and thread-safe, and f is thread-safe, and it may assume these properties.

It is an error to call Interval-reduce or Interval-reduce-serial if interval and f do not satisfy these conditions.



Procedure: build-Array domain getter

If domain is an Interval and getter is a function from domain to Scheme objects, then build-Array return an array with domain domain and getter getter. It is an error to call build-Array if domain and getter do not satisfy these conditions.


(define a (build-Array (build-Interval '#(1 1) '#(11 11))
		       (lambda (i j)
			 (if (= i j)
defines an Array that returns 1 when i=j and 0 otherwise.

Procedure: Array? obj

Returns #t if and only if obj is an Array.

Procedure: Array-domain array

If array is an Array built by

(build-Array domain getter)
then Array-domain returns domain. It is an error to call Array-domain if array is not an Array.

Procedure: Array-getter array

If array is an Array built by

(build-Array domain getter)
then Array-getter returns getter. It is an error to call Array-getter if array is not an Array.


(define a (build-Array (build-Interval '#(1 1) '#(11 11))
		       (lambda (i j)
			 (if (= i j)
((Array-getter a) 3 3) => 1
((Array-getter a) 2 3) => 0
((Array-getter a) 11 0) => is an error, which may be signaled

Procedure: Array-lazy-map f array . arrays

If array, (car arrays), ... all have the same domain, then Array-lazy-map returns a new Array with the same domain and getter

(lambda multi-index
  (apply f (map (lambda (g) (apply g multi-index)) (map Array-getter (cons array arrays)))))

Procedure: Array-lazy-curry array outer-dimension

If array is an Array and outer-dimension is an exact integer that satisfies

0 < outer-dimension < (Interval-dimension (Array-domain array))

then Array-lazy-curry returns

    (lambda () (Interval-curry (Array-domain array) outer-dimension))
  (lambda (outer-interval inner-interval)
    (build-Array outer-interval
		 (lambda outer-multi-index
		   (build-Array inner-interval
				(lambda inner-multi-index
				  (apply (Array-getter array) (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index))))))))

It is an error to call Array-lazy-curry if its arguments do not satisfy these conditions.

Notes: This function currys (Array-getter array) while keeping track of the domains of the outer and inner lambdas.

It is expected that Array-lazy-curry will specialize the construction of

(lambda outer-multi-index
  (build-Array inner-interval
	       (lambda inner-multi-index
		 (apply (Array-getter array) (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))))


(lambda inner-multi-index (apply (Array-getter array) (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))


(define a (build-Array (build-Interval '#(0 0) '#(10 10))
((Array-getter a) 3 4)  => (3 4)
(define curried-a (Array-lazy-curry a 1))
((Array-getter ((Array-getter curried-a) 3)) 4) => (3 4)

Procedure: Array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis array index

If array is an Array and (Interval-dimension (Array-domain interval)) is greater than one, and

0 <= index < (Interval-dimension (Array-domain interval))

then Array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis returns

    (lambda () (Interval-distinguish-one-axis (Array-domain array) index))
  (lambda (outer-interval inner-interval)
    (build-Array outer-interval
		 (lambda outer-multi-index
		   (build-Array inner-interval
				(lambda (m)
				  (apply (Array-getter array) (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index))))))))

where we define

(define (insert-arg-into-arg-list arg arg-list index)
  (define (helper arg-list i)
    (if (= i 0)
	(cons arg arg-list)
	(cons arg (helper (cdr arg-list) (- i 1)))))
  (helper arg-list index))

It is an error to call Array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis if its arguments do not satisfy these conditions.

Notes: This function is introduced to facilitate distinguishing one-dimensional "pencils" in the domains of Arrays. This is useful because it simplifies programming separable multi-dimensional signal processing algorithms (including the Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transforms) and time-series algorithms.

It is expected that Array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis will specialize the construction of

(lambda outer-multi-index
  (build-Array inner-interval
	       (lambda (m)
		 (apply (Array-getter array) (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))))


(lambda (m) (apply (Array-getter array) (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))

Procedure: Array-for-each f array . arrays

If array, (car arrays), ... all have the same domain domain, then Array-for-each calls

(Interval-for-each  (lambda multi-index
		      (apply f (map (lambda (g) (apply g multi-index)) (map Array-getter (cons array arrays)))))
		    (Array-domain array))

It is expected that Array-lazy-map and Array-for-each will specialize the construction of

(lambda multi-index
  (apply f (map (lambda (g) (apply g multi-index)) (map Array-getter (cons array arrays)))))

Procedure: Array-reduce operator identity array

If array is an Array then Array-reduce calls (Interval-reduce (Array-getter array) operator identity (Array-domain array)).

Mutable Arrays


Procedure: build-Mutable-array domain getter setter

Assume that domain is an Interval of dimension n and that getter and setter are two routines that satisfy: If

(i1,...,in) != (j1,...,jn)
are elements of domain and
(getter j1 ... jn) => x
then "after"
(setter v i1 ... in)
we have
(getter j1 ... jn) => x
(getter i1,...,in) => v
Then build-Mutable-array builds a Mutable-array with domain domain, getter getter and setter setter. A Mutable-array is an Array. It is an error to call build-Mutable-array if its arguments do not satisfy these conditions.

Procedure: Mutable-array? obj

Returns #t if and only if obj is a Mutable-array. Note: Mutable-arrays are Arrays.

Procedure: Mutable-array-domain array

If array is a Mutable-array built by

(build-Mutable-array domain getter setter)
then Mutable-array-domain returns domain. It is an error to call Mutable-array-domain if array is not a Mutable-array.

Procedure: Mutable-array-getter array

If array is a Mutable-array built by

(build-Mutable-array domain getter setter)
then Mutable-array-getter returns getter. It is an error to call Mutable-array-getter if array is not a Mutable-array.

Procedure: Mutable-array-setter array

If array is a Mutable-array built by

(build-Mutable-array domain getter setter)
then Mutable-array-setter returns setter. It is an error to call Mutable-array-setter if array is not a Mutable-array.


(define sparse-array
  (let ((domain (build-Interval '#(0 0) '#(1000000 1000000)))
	(sparse-rows (make-vector 1000000 '())))
    (build-Mutable-array domain
			 (lambda (i j)
			   (cond ((assv j (vector-ref sparse-rows i))
				  => cdr)
			 (lambda (v i j)
			   (cond ((assv j (vector-ref sparse-rows i))
				  => (lambda (pair)
				       (set-cdr! pair v)))
				  (vector-set! sparse-rows i (cons (cons j v) (vector-ref sparse-rows i)))))))))
((Mutable-array-getter sparse-array) 12345 6789)  => 0.
((Mutable-array-getter sparse-array) 0 0) => 0.
((Mutable-array-setter sparse-array) 1.0 0 0) => undefined
((Array-getter sparse-array) 12345 6789)  => 0.
((Array-getter sparse-array) 0 0) => 1.

Procedure: Mutable-array-lazy-curry array outer-dimension

If array is a Mutable-array and outer-dimension is an exact integer that satisfies

0 < outer-dimension < (Interval-dimension (Mutable-array-domain array))

then Mutable-array-lazy-curry returns

    (lambda () (Interval-curry (Mutable-array-domain array) outer-dimension))
  (lambda (outer-interval inner-interval)
    (build-Array outer-interval
		 (lambda outer-multi-index
		   (build-Mutable-array inner-interval
					(lambda inner-multi-index
					  (apply (Mutable-array-getter array) (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))
					(lambda (v . inner-multi-index)
					  (apply (Mutable-array-setter array) v (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index))))))))

It is an error to call Mutable-array-lazy-curry if its arguments do not satisfy these conditions.

Notes: This function currys (Mutable-array-getter array) and (Mutable-array-setter array) while keeping track of the domains of the outer and inner lambdas.

It is expected that Mutable-array-lazy-curry will specialize the construction of

(lambda outer-multi-index
  (build-Mutable-array inner-interval
		       (lambda inner-multi-index
			 (apply (Mutable-array-getter array) (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))
		       (lambda (v . inner-multi-index)
			 (apply (Mutable-array-setter array) v (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))))


(lambda inner-multi-index (apply (Mutable-array-getter array) (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))


(lambda (v . inner-multi-index) (apply (Mutable-array-setter array) v (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))

Procedure: Mutable-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis array index

If array is a Mutable-array and (Interval-dimension (Mutable-array-domain interval)) is greater than one, and

0 <= index < (Interval-dimension (Mutable-array-domain interval))

then Mutable-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis returns

    (lambda () (Interval-distinguish-one-axis (Mutable-array-domain array) index))
  (lambda (outer-interval inner-interval)
    (build-array outer-interval
		 (lambda outer-multi-index
		   (build-Mutable-array inner-interval
					(lambda (m)
					  (apply (Mutable-array-getter array) (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))
					(lambda (v m)
					  (apply (Mutable-array-setter array) v (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index))))))))

where we define

(define (insert-arg-into-arg-list arg arg-list index)
  (define (helper arg-list i)
    (if (= i 0)
	(cons arg arg-list)
	(cons arg (helper (cdr arg-list) (- i 1)))))
  (helper arg-list index))

It is an error to call Mutable-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis if its arguments do not satisfy these conditions.

Notes: This function is introduced to facilitate distinguishing one-dimensional "pencils" in the domains of Mutable-arrays. This is useful because it simplifies programming separable multi-dimensional signal processing algorithms (including the Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transforms) and time-series algorithms.

It is expected that Mutable-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis will specialize the construction of

(lambda outer-multi-index
  (build-Mutable-array inner-interval
		       (lambda (m)
			 (apply (Mutable-array-getter array) (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))
		       (lambda (v m)
			 (apply (Mutable-array-setter array) v (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))))


(lambda (m) (apply (Mutable-array-getter array) (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))


(lambda (v m) (apply (Mutable-array-setter array) v (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))

Fixed Array Manipulators


Procedure: build-Fixed-array-manipulators getter setter maker length default

Here we assume the following relationships between the arguments of build-Fixed-array-manipulators. Assume that the "elements" of the backing store are of some "type", either heterogeneous (all Scheme types) or homogeneous (of some restricted type).

In this case, build-Fixed-array-manipulators returns an object of type Fixed-array-manipulators. Otherwise, it is an error to call build-Fixed-array-manipulators

Note that we assume that getter and setter generally take O(1) time to execute.

Procedure: Fixed-array-manipulators-getter m

If m is an object created by

(build-Fixed-array-manipulators getter setter maker length default)
then Fixed-array-manipulators-getter returns getter. Otherwise, it is an error to call Fixed-array-manipulators-getter.

Procedure: Fixed-array-manipulators-setter m

If m is an object created by

(build-Fixed-array-manipulators getter setter maker length default)
then Fixed-array-manipulators-setter returns setter. Otherwise, it is an error to call Fixed-array-manipulators-setter.

Procedure: Fixed-array-manipulators-maker m

If m is an object created by

(build-Fixed-array-manipulators getter setter maker length default)
then Fixed-array-manipulators-maker returns maker. Otherwise, it is an error to call Fixed-array-manipulators-maker.

Procedure: Fixed-array-manipulators-length m

If m is an object created by

(build-Fixed-array-manipulators getter setter maker length default)
then Fixed-array-manipulators-length returns length. Otherwise, it is an error to call Fixed-array-manipulators-length.

Procedure: Fixed-array-manipulators-default m

If m is an object created by

(build-Fixed-array-manipulators getter setter maker length default)
then Fixed-array-manipulators-default returns default. Otherwise, it is an error to call Fixed-array-manipulators-default.

The following Fixed-array-manipulators are defined:

(define generic-array-manipulators (build-Fixed-array-manipulators vector-ref vector-set! make-vector vector-length #f))
Furthermore, sX-array-manipulators are defined for X=8, 16, 32, and 64 (which have default values 0 and manipulate exact integer values between -2X-1 and 2X-1-1 inclusive), uX-array-manipulators are defined for X=1, 8, 16, 32, and 64 (which have default values 0 and manipulate exact integer values between 0 and 2X-1 inclusive), and fX-array-manipulators are defined for X= 32 and 64 (which have default value 0.0 and manipulate 32- and 64-bit floating-point numbers). Each of these could be defined simply as generic-array-manipulators, but it is assumed that implementations with homogeneous arrays will give definitions that either save space, avoid boxing, etc., for the specialized arrays.



Procedure: affine-indexer= indexer1 indexer2 interval

If indexer1 and indexer2 are one-to-one affine mappings from interval to the interval [0,K) for some K, then affine-indexer= returns #t if indexer1 and indexer2 take the same values on all elements of interval; otherwise affine-indexer= returns #f. It is an error to call affine-indexer= if its arguments don't satisfy these conditions.

Fixed Arrays


Procedure: build-Fixed-array domain: domain manipulators: manipulators [ body: body ] [ indexer: indexer ] [ initializer-value: initializer-value ] [ affine: affine? ]

Builds a Fixed-array. domain must be an Interval; manipulators must be Fixed-array-manipulators; if body is given, it must be of the same type as that returned by (Fixed-array-manipulators-maker manipulators); if initializer-value is given, it must be storable in body; at most one of initializer-value and body can be given; if indexer is given, it must be a one-to-one mapping from domain to [0,((Fixed-array-manipulators-length manipulators) body)); affine must be a list of booleans, with length (Interval-dimension domain); the getter and setter of the result are defined by

(lambda (i_0 ... i_n-1)
  ((Fixed-array-manipulators-getter manipulators)
   (indexer i_0 ... i_n-1)))
(lambda (v i_0 ... i_n-1)
  ((Fixed-array-manipulators-setter manipulators)
   (indexer i_0 ... i_n-1)
The default values for arguments that are omitted are as follows:

Initializer-value: (Fixed-array-manipulators-default manipulators)


((Fixed-array-manipulators-maker manipulators)
 (Interval-volume domain)

Indexer: The one-to-one mapping of elements of domain to [0,(Interval-volume domain)) in lexicographical order. Note that this default mapping is affine.

Affine: The default is a list of #t of the appropriate length if the default indexer is used, otherwise the default list consists entirely of #f.

Procedure: Fixed-array? obj

Returns #t if obj is a Fixed-array, and #f otherwise. A Fixed-array is a Mutable-array, and hence an Array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-domain array

If array is a Fixed-arraythen Fixed-array-domain returns its domain. It is an error to call Fixed-array-domain if array is not a Fixed-array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-getter array

If array is a Fixed-array then Fixed-array-getter returns its getter. It is an error to call Fixed-array-getter if array is not a Fixed-array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-setter array

If array is a Fixed-array then Fixed-array-setter returns its setter . It is an error to call Fixed-array-setter if array is not a Fixed-array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-body array

Returns the body of array. It is an error to call Fixed-array-body with an argument that is not a Fixed-array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-indexer array

Returns the indexer of array. It is an error to call Fixed-array-indexer with an argument that is not a Fixed-array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-manipulators array

Returns the manipulators of array. It is an error to call Fixed-array-manipulators with an argument that is not a Fixed-array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-affine array

Returns a list of booleans. (list-ref (Fixed-array-affine array) i) is true if and only if (Fixed-array-indexer array) is affine in its i'th argument. It is an error to call Fixed-array-affine? with an argument that is not a Fixed-array.

Procedure: Fixed-array-share! array new-domain new-domain->old-domain new-domain->old-domain-is-affine

Constructs a new Fixed-array that shares the body of the Fixed-array array. The default value of new-domain->old-domain-is-affine is #t. Returns an object that is behaviorally equivalent to

(build-Fixed-array domain:       new-domain
		   manipulators: (Fixed-array-manipulators array)
		   body:         (Fixed-array-body array)
		   indexer:      (lambda multi-index
				       (lambda ()
					 (apply new-domain->old-domain multi-index))
				     (Fixed-array-indexer array)))
		   affine?:      (and (Fixed-array-affine? array)
new-domain->old-domain must be a one-to-one mapping from (Array-domain array) to new-domain; new-domain->old-domain-is-affine must be a boolean variable that is #t only if new-domain->old-domain is an affine mapping

Note: It is assumed that if new-domain->old-domain and (Fixed-array-indexer array) are both affine, then this affine structure will be used to simplify

(lambda multi-index
      (lambda ()
	(apply new-domain->old-domain multi-index))
    (Fixed-array-indexer array)))

Procedure: Fixed-array-lazy-curry array outer-dimension

It is an error to call Fixed-array-lazy-curry unless array is a Fixed-array and outer-dimension is an exact integer that satisfies

0 < outer-dimension < (Interval-dimension (Fixed-array-domain array)).

If array has an affine indexer then Fixed-array-lazy-curry returns

    (lambda () (Interval-curry (Fixed-array-domain array) outer-dimension))
  (lambda (outer-interval inner-interval)
    (build-Array outer-interval
		 (lambda outer-multi-index
		   (Fixed-array-share! array
				       (lambda inner-multi-index
					 (apply values (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index))))))))

If array does not have an affine indexer then Fixed-array-lazy-curry returns (Mutable-array-lazy-curry array outer-dimension).

Notes: This function currys (Fixed-array-getter array) and (Fixed-array-setter array) while keeping track of the domains of the outer and inner lambdas.

It is expected that Fixed-array-lazy-curry will specialize the construction of

(lambda outer-multi-index (Fixed-array-share! array outer-interval (lambda inner-multi-index (apply values (append outer-multi-index inner-multi-index)))))

Procedure: Fixed-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis array index

It is an error to call Fixed-array-lazy-curry unless array is a Fixed-array and (Interval-dimension (Fixed-array-domain interval)) is greater than one, and

0 <= index < (Interval-dimension (Fixed-array-domain array))

If array has an affine indexer then Fixed-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis returns

    (lambda () (Interval-distinguish-one-axis (Fixed-array-domain array) index))
  (lambda (outer-interval inner-interval)
    (build-Array outer-interval
		 (lambda outer-multi-index
		   (Fixed-array-share! array
				       (lambda (m) (apply values (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index))))))))

where we define

(define (insert-arg-into-arg-list arg arg-list index)
  (define (helper arg-list i)
    (if (= i 0)
	(cons arg arg-list)
	(cons arg (helper (cdr arg-list) (- i 1)))))
  (helper arg-list index))

If array does not have an affine indexer then Fixed-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis returns (Mutable-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis array index).

Notes: This function is introduced to facilitate distinguishing one-dimensional "pencils" in the domains of Fixed-arrays. This is useful because it simplifies programming separable multi-dimensional signal processing algorithms (including the Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transforms) and time-series algorithms.

It is expected that Fixed-array-lazy-distinguish-one-axis will specialize the construction of

(lambda outer-multi-index
  (Fixed-array-share! array
		      (lambda (m) (apply values (insert-arg-into-arg-list m outer-index index)))))

Procedure: Array->Fixed-array result-manipulators array

Procedure: Array->Fixed-array-serial result-manipulators array

If array is an Array whose elements can be manipulated by the Fixed-array-manipulators result-manipulators, then the Fixed-array returned by Array->Fixed-array can be defined by:

(let ((result (build-Fixed-array domain:       (Array-domain array)
	                         manipulators: result-manipulators)))
  (Interval-for-each (lambda multi-index
		       (apply (Fixed-array-setter result) (apply (Array-getter array) multi-index) multi-index))
		     (Array-domain array))

Thus, Array->Fixed-array assumes that (Array-getter array) is thread-safe, and does not specify the order in which (Array-getter array) is applied to the multi-indices in (Array-domain array).

Similarly, the Fixed-array returned by Array->Fixed-array-serial can be defined by:

(let ((result (build-Fixed-array domain:       (Array-domain array)
	                         manipulators: result-manipulators)))
  (Interval-for-each-serial (lambda multi-index
			      (apply (Fixed-array-setter result) (apply (Array-getter array) multi-index) multi-index))
			    (Array-domain array))

Thus, Array->Fixed-array-serial evaluates (Array-getter array) to the multi-indices in (Array-domain array) in lexicographical order.

Procedure: Array-map result-manipulators f array . arrays

If array, (car arrays), etc., are all Arrays with the same domain, then Array-map returns

(Array->Fixed-array result-manipulators
		    (build-Array (Array-domain array)
				 (lambda multi-index
				   (apply f (map (lambda (g) (apply g multi-index)) (map Array-getter (cons array arrays)))))))

Note: I'd like to redefine this function so that it doesn't necessarily call Array->Fixed-array, so the getter is not necessarily called in strict lexicographical order.


We provide an implemenation in Gambit-C; the nonstandard techniques used in the implementation are: DSSSL-style optional and keyword arguments; a unique object to indicate absent arguments; define-structure; and define-macro.

Relationship to other SRFIs

Final SRFIs 25, 47, 58, and 63 deal with "Multi-dimensional Array Primitives", "Array", "Array Notation", and "Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Arrays", respectively. Each of these previous SRFIs deal with what we call in this SRFI Fixed-arrays. Many of the functions in these previous SRFIs have corresponding forms in this SRFI. For example, from SRFI 63, we can translate:

(array? obj)
(Array? obj)
(Array-rank a)
(Domain-dimension (Array-domain obj))
(make-array prototype k1 ...)
(build-Fixed-array (build-Interval (vector 0 ...) (vector k1 ...)) manipulators).
(make-shared-array array mapper k1 ...)
(Fixed-array-share! array (build-Interval (vector 0 ...) (vector k1 ...)) mapper)
(array-in-bounds? array index1 ...)
(Interval-contains-multi-index? (Array-domain array) index1 ...)
(array-ref array k1 ...)
((Array-getter array) k1 ...)
(array-set! array obj k1 ...)
((Array-setter array) obj k1 ...)

At the same time, this SRFI has some special features:


  1. "multi-dimensional arrays in R5RS?", by Alan Bawden.
  2. SRFI 4: Homogeneous Numeric Vector Datatypes, by Marc Feeley.
  3. SRFI 25: Multi-dimensional Array Primitives, by Jussi Piitulainen.
  4. SRFI 47: Array, by Aubrey Jaffer.
  5. SRFI 58: Array Notation, by Aubrey Jaffer.
  6. SRFI 63: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Arrays, by Aubrey Jaffer.