Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry
by Saugata Basu, Richard Pollack, Marie-Françoise Roy
Publisher Springer-Verlag
version book-bpr-posted1 from 11/03/06

For downloading the pdf file click here
For downloading the compressed pdf file, click here

For dowloading the compressed experimental texmacs project
click here

To use the experimental texmacs project you need to download texmacs
and to download maxima (for using the graphical features of sarag, Maxima 5.9.2 is necessary)

Note that the experimental texmacs project has the following functionalities
possibility to make maxima computations in some chapter (currently 8 9 10 and part of 11) using the Sarag library
developed by Fabrizio Caruso
possibility to fold unfold proofs,  procedures and parts of the text
possibility to travel inside the book by clicking on references or citations.

In order to use fully the functionalities  of the experimental texmacs project you
have to launch texmacs from inside the folder bpr-posted1-march06 you will get
after decompressing.

If you want to use Sarag out of texmacs   click here to get the compressed library

More details about the installation of texmacs, maxima and Sarag can be found here.
The readme Sarag document is here.

  Note a current problem with the experimental texmacs project:
there is no return functionality so far  to take you back to the place you clicked from.

Note also that the table of contents and index   included in
are not clickable

A bug: when you click for the first time on a citation you arrive at the begining of the bibliography
rather than at the right bibitem

From time to time it can be useful to remove automatically saved files
to avoid crash of texmacs when clicking on some links.

Please report on bugs at

Former posted versions can be found here
version posted in may 05
version posted in october 05