Crack propagation in disordered materials as an elastic line driven in a random medium Anstract. Crack propagation is the fundamental process leading to the failure of brittle solids. However, if one goes beyond the failure of a continuum homogeneous medium and considers more realistic situations, i.e. solids with inhomogeneous failure properties, the continuum mechanics approach clearly fails to reproduce the main features of crack propagation. To capture the role played by the microstructural disorder, one can add a stochastic term describing the quenched disordered properties of solids in the equations describing the motion and the trajectory of cracks in elastic solids. In this new theoretical framework, the crack front of a fracturing brittle solid is analogous to an elastic line driven in a random potential. We will analyze numerically, and sometimes analytically, the main properties of the solution of these equations that will be used to make predictions on the motion of cracks. Comparisons with experimental observations will be finally discussed.