TITLE: Convex Splitting Schemes for Conserved Bistable Gradient Equations: Applications in Grain Boundary Motion, Solidification, Tumor Growth, and Two-Phase Flow ABSTRACT: Bistable gradient equations (BGEs) are a class of PDEs that model important biological and physical problems. Loosely speaking, these equations result as gradient flows with respect to certain bistable (or biconvex) energies. Perhaps the best known BGE is the celebrated Cahn-Hilliard equation. In the talk I focus on two important conserved BGEs, the phase field crystal (PFC) equation and the Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw (CHHS) equation, which are nonlinear 6th-order and 4th-order PDEs, respectively. These equations model a wide range of phenomena, including crystal growth, grain coarsening, phase-separation, cell motion, two-phase flow, and tumor growth. Numerical solution of BGEs can pose enormous challenges, because the equations (i) are typically of high order, (ii) are potentially highly nonlinear, and (iii) usually must be solved over large space and time scales. In the talk I describe convex-splitting schemes for BGEs. The schemes are simple, general, and powerful, and they possess two important properties, unconditional unique solvability and unconditional stability. The energy stability can often be exploited to prove various norm stabilities, as well as convergence. In the talk I will give details of the convergence analyses for the PFC equation. The unique solvability follows from the fact that the schemes are derived as the gradients of strictly convex functionals. As a result, practical (though not necessarily highly efficient) solvers can always be crafted, since descent methods will converge unconditionally. The biggest challenge of this work is in designing truly efficient solvers for the potentially highly nonlinear CS schemes. We have had some early, important successes in this direction, having crafted nearly optimally efficient nonlinear multigrid solvers for PFC and CHHS equations, which I will report on.