A conference on inverse problems
in honor of Gunther Uhlmann

University of California, Irvine, June 18–22, 2012







  This conference will emphasize microlocal and geometric methods in Inverse Problems, and will include talks on both theory and applications. It is an occasion to recognize and honor Gunther Uhlmann for his contributions to the field and to the lives of the many students, post-docs, collaborators and colleagues he has worked with throughout his illustrious career.  

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

Guillaume Bal David Isaacson Mikko Salo
Gang Bao Carlos Kenig Fadil Santosa
Liliana Borcea Matti Lassas Hart Smith
Margaret Cheney Rafe Mazzeo John Sylvester
David Colton Joyce McLaughlin Jenn-Nan Wang
Allan Greenleaf Richard Melrose Ting Zhou
Colin Guillarmou Lassi Paivarinta Steve Zelditch

There will also be invited mini-symposia talks.  We thank NSF for their generous support.

Recently added: slides from many of the presentations are available here.

Organizing Committee:

Stephen McDowall (Stephen.McDowall@wwu.edu)
Plamen Stefanov (stefanov@math.purdue.edu)
Andras Vasy (andras@math.stanford.edu)
Lihan Wang (lihanw@uci.edu)
Maciej Zworski (zworski@math.berkeley.edu)