* The proof of Theorem 1.9.3 on page 80 is wrong when it says "But this implies that partial(Psi)/partial(x)=0." This can't be true because we know that partial(Psi)/partial(x) is actually M, and that has no reason to be zero. What it should say is "This implies that $d Psi/d x =0." (In other words, they confused partial derivative with total derivative). So if both x and y are read as functions of x, then Psi is a constant. (The other stuff in the proof starting with "Consequently" can and should be erased.) * In problem 26 on page 160 (part of handgraded assignment #5 for lesson 12), it should say Delta_2=a_{1,1}b_2- a_{2,1}b_1, and not Delta_2=a_{1,1}b_2- a_{1,2}b_1 * In #30, p. 353, in the Purdue package version of the book, the statement T(3x^2+2)=2(x+3) should be instead T(3x+2)=2(x+3). The problem is correct in the non-Purdue 3rd edition of the book.