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MA 16500, Fall 2021
Analytic Geometry And Calculus I

Credit Hours: 4.00. Introduction to differential and integral calculus of one variable, with applications. Conic sections. Designed for students who have had at least a one-semester calculus course in high school, with a grade of "A" or "B", but are not qualified to enter MA 16200 or 16600, or the advanced placement courses MA 27100. Demonstrated competence in college algebra and trigonometry. CTL:IMA 1602 Calculus - Long I

Course Info



Instructor Info

Section Room Time Instructor Office
100 CL50 224 12:30PM MWF Kenji Matsuki MATH 614
102 EE 005 9:30AM R Claudia Elizabeth Munoz MATH 637
109 EE 005 8:30AM R Claudia Elizabeth Munoz MATH 637
116 EE 005 7:30AM R Krishna Bansibhai Thakkar
123 ME 3006 2:30PM R Claudia Elizabeth Munoz MATH 637
130 ME 3006 3:30PM R Krishna Bansibhai Thakkar
137 ME 3006 4:30PM R Krishna Bansibhai Thakkar
165 REC 317 12:30PM R Jelena Mojsilovic MATH 711
172 REC 317 11:30AM R Jelena Mojsilovic MATH 711
179 REC 317 10:30AM R Jelena Mojsilovic MATH 711
186 BRNG 1268 9:30AM R Abhiram Natarajan
193 BRNG 1268 10:30AM R Abhiram Natarajan
199 BRNG 1268 8:30AM R Abhiram Natarajan
200 EE 129 9:30AM MWF Andrey Glubokov
206 BRNG B268 9:30AM R Vittal Srinivasan
213 BRNG B268 10:30AM R Vittal Srinivasan
220 BRNG B268 8:30AM R Vittal Srinivasan
227 EE 222 11:30AM R Prateekee Chatterjee
234 EE 222 1:30PM R Prateekee Chatterjee
241 EE 222 12:30PM R Prateekee Chatterjee
248 EE 222 10:30AM R Abbas Shaikh
255 EE 222 9:30AM R Abbas Shaikh
262 EE 222 8:30AM R Abbas Shaikh
269 UNIV 119 1:30PM R Amogh Shantanu Joshi
276 UNIV 119 2:30PM R Amogh Shantanu Joshi
283 UNIV 119 3:30PM R Amogh Shantanu Joshi
300 ASYNC ONLINE Kenji Matsuki MATH 614
304 LWSN 1106 10:30AM R Sai Kiran Polishetty
305 LWSN 1106 11:30AM R Sai Kiran Polishetty
306 LWSN 1106 12:30PM R Sai Kiran Polishetty
307 PHYS 331 2:30PM R Shrividya Subramanian
308 PHYS 331 3:30PM R Shrividya Subramanian
309 PHYS 331 4:30PM R Shrividya Subramanian
310 REC 308 1:30PM R Samantha Grace Dishman
311 REC 308 2:30PM R Samantha Grace Dishman
312 REC 308 3:30PM R Samantha Grace Dishman
313 UNIV 303 9:30AM R Cameron Barrett Leonard
314 WTHR 200 1:30PM MWF Andrei Gabrielov MATH 648
315 UNIV 303 8:30AM R Cameron Barrett Leonard
316 UNIV 303 10:30AM R Cameron Barrett Leonard
317 PHYS 331 11:30AM R Cian Finbarr Nolan MATH 719
318 PHYS 331 12:30PM R Cian Finbarr Nolan MATH 719
319 PHYS 331 1:30PM R Cian Finbarr Nolan MATH 719

Course Materials

Section Type Title Author
ALL SUPP MyLab Math access for online homework - MyLab Math with Pearson eText; this includes an electronic copy of the textbook -- 24 Month Access Card Package for Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Briggs/Cochran/Gillett/Schultz 9780134856926. Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Loose Leaf, and MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- 24-Month Access Card Package 9780134996103. Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Loose Leaf, and MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- 24-Month Access Card Package 9780134996684

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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