MA 16020, Spring 2025
Applied Calculus II
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course covers techniques and applications of integration; infinite series; differentiation and integration of functions of several variables; maxima and minima, optimization; differential equations and initial value problems. CTL:IMA 1605 Calculus - Short II
Exam Information
- Exam 1 - Wednesday, 2/5 at 6:30 PM
- Exam 2 - Wednesday, 3/5 at 6:30 PM, Location TBA
- Exam 3 - Wednesday, 4/9 at 6:30 PM, Location TBA
- Final Exam - TBD
Instructor Info
Section | Room | Time | Instructor | Office | |
001 | IT 252 | 3:00PM | MW | Jason Clouser | |
013 | WALC 1087 | 3:30PM | MWF | Allan Edward Bickle | |
014 | KRAN 140 | 8:30AM | MWF | Jakayla R Robbins | |
090 | WTHR 172 | 11:30AM | MWF | Dave Norris | MATH 810 |
101 | SCHM 313 | 8:30AM | MWF | Tyler Joseph Dunaisky | MATH 739 |
102 | SCHM 313 | 9:30AM | MWF | Tyler Joseph Dunaisky | MATH 739 |
103 | SCHM 313 | 3:30PM | MWF | Fabio Matteo Capovilla-Searle | MATH 709 |
104 | SCHM 313 | 4:30PM | MWF | Fabio Matteo Capovilla-Searle | MATH 709 |
999 | Dave Norris | MATH 810 |
Important Notes
- ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
- In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
- See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students