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MA 59800, Spring 2025
Topics In Mathematics

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 5.00. Supervised reading courses as well as dual-level special topics courses are given under this number. Permission of instructor required.

Instructor Info

Section Room Time Instructor Office
001 SCHM 121 1:30PM W Christopher Janjigian MATH 446
056 SCHM 309 4:30PM F Dominic Naughton MATH 826
072 SCHM 317 4:30PM M Gregery T Buzzard MATH 400
100 MATH 175 3:30PM T Baiying Liu MATH 616
112 SCHM 122 3:30PM M Birgit Kaufmann MATH 748
113 MATH 215 4:30PM W Birgit Kaufmann MATH 748
114 MATH 731 1:30PM M Kiril Datchev MATH 602
135 SCHM 317 3:30PM W Trevor Dion Wooley MATH 422
141 SCHM 309 2:30PM W Deepam P Patel MATH 606
161 BRNG 1202 3:30PM T Allan Edward Bickle
162 MATH 731 1:30PM R Changyou Wang MATH 714
169 MATH 731 10:30AM M Lvzhou Chen
170 Andrew S Toms MATH 720
171 Gregery T Buzzard MATH 400
172 Tong Liu MATH 738
173 CL50 129 1:30PM T Thomas J Sinclair MATH 744
174 SCHM 103 11:30AM F Gregery T Buzzard MATH 400
175 SCHM 114 3:30PM W Linquan Ma MATH 740
176 Saugata Basu MATH 742
177 Thomas J Sinclair MATH 744
178 Thomas J Sinclair MATH 744
179 Christopher Janjigian MATH 446
180 Donu V B Arapura MATH 642
181 Plamen D Stefanov MATH 628
182 Thomas J Sinclair MATH 744
183 Jon Peterson MATH 430
184 SCHM 314 1:30PM F Plamen D Stefanov MATH 628
185 Bernd Ulrich MATH 822
186 Jon Peterson MATH 430
187 Manuel Luis Rivera MATH 708
188 Marius D Dadarlat MATH 622
189 Daniel Tuan-Dan Le MATH 618
190 Xingshan Cui MATH 646
191 Matthew Dominick Novack
192 Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk MATH 604
193 MATH 731 11:30AM M Lvzhou Chen
194 SCHM 117 4:30PM M Andrew S Toms MATH 720
195 Bernd Ulrich MATH 822
196 PSYC 2102 11:30AM M Vaibhav Pandey
197 Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk MATH 604
198 Margaret Thomas MATH 638
199 Isaac Harris MATH 612
200 Nung Kwan Yip MATH 432
201 Manuel Luis Rivera MATH 708
202 Alexandria Volkening
203 Mark Daniel Ward HILL C129
204 Christopher Janjigian MATH 446
205 Ralph Martin Kaufmann MATH 722
206 Christopher Janjigian MATH 446
207 MATH 215 12:30PM M Takumi Murayama
208 Gregery T Buzzard MATH 400
209 Manuel Luis Rivera MATH 708
210 Manuel Luis Rivera MATH 708
211 Kiril Datchev MATH 602
212 Guang Lin MATH 410
213 Gregery T Buzzard MATH 400
214 Saugata Basu MATH 742
215 SCHM 117 4:30PM R Manuel Luis Rivera MATH 708

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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