############################################################################### # # # This is a non-standard .cshrc file for the Mathematics department. # # It is read when you log in and each time a shell, such as xterm, is # # started. Select SAVE AS from the NETSCAPE file menu and save the # # file as TEXT (and not as SOURCE). # # # # Generated at www.math.purdue/~bell/cshrc.html (by Steve Bell) # # # ############################################################################### # # SET YOUR DEFAULT WINDOW MANAGER HERE: # # XW = the X Window System (startx) # OW = OpenWindows (openwin) # SW = SunWindows (suntools) # # Remove the '#' comment character from the beginning of the appropriate line # and remember to replace the '#' comment character in the line already # uncommented. # set winsys = XW #set winsys = OW # Source the core .cshrc file. Touch this line at your own risk! source /usr/share/standard/sys.cshrc # Choose a printer: # # lpub in Computer room, Rm 839 # lpub7 in Room 741 # lpub6 in Room 635 # # setenv PRINTER lpub switch (`uname -r`) case 5*: set system=solaris breaksw default: set system=sunos breaksw endsw switch ($system) case sunos: set path = ( /usr/local/teTeX/bin/sparc-sunos4.1.3_U1 \ /usr/local/{maple,Acrobat3,netpbm,mh}/bin \ $path \ ~/bin \ . ) breaksw case solaris: set path = ( /opt/{maple,Acrobat3,netpbm,mh}/bin $path ~/bin . ) breaksw endsw switch ($system) case sunos: set tempmanpath = ( /usr/man /usr/*/man /usr/local/*/man/ ) set manpath=`echo $tempmanpath | sed 's/ /:/g'` setenv MANPATH $manpath breaksw case solaris: set tempmanpath = ( /usr/man /usr/*/man /usr/local/*/man/ /opt/*/man ) set manpath=`echo $tempmanpath | sed 's/ /:/g'` setenv MANPATH $manpath breaksw endsw set noclobber # Prevents files from being overwritten by redirection. limit coredumpsize 0 # If a core dump is needed, "unlimit coredumpsize" and # rerun the dumping program. # Set the permissions with which new files and directories will be created. # See the man pages for umask, ls, chmod, groups, chgrp for details. #umask 022 # Group and others may read and dir search (but not write). #umask 027 # Group may read and directory search, but not others. umask 077 # No access to anyone -- the most paranoid choice. if ($?prompt == 0) exit #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Skip this section of the file if this is not an interactive shell. # Csh script files and rsh will generate non-interactive shells. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set the terminal characteristics. tset -I -Q stty kill '^U' # Line kill stty intr '^C' # Interrupt stty erase '^H' # Erase is "backspace" #stty erase '^?' # If you prefer "delete" for the erase key. # Set up some useful features of the shell. See the csh man pages for details. set filec = 1 set fignore = ( .o .aux .log ) set history = 40 set notify set ignoreeof set cdpath = ( ~ ) # Reset the prompt to something reasonable. set hostname = `/bin/hostname | /bin/sed -e 's/\..*//'` set prompt = "$hostname-\!% " #set prompt = "$hostname% " # If you don't like the event number. # Save me from myself! Make some dangerous file-deleting commands interactive. # On the SUNs activate the "entombing" system. switch ($system) case sunos: setenv ENTOMB true alias cp '/usr/local/bin/cp -i' alias mv '/usr/local/bin/mv -i' alias rm '/usr/local/bin/rm -i' alias rm! '/usr/local/bin/rm' breaksw default: alias rm 'rm -i' alias mv 'mv -i' alias cp 'cp -i' breaksw endsw # Some aliases that might be useful. Uncomment the ones that interest you. # This is the appropriate place to include additional aliases. #alias lo logout #alias d dirs #alias po popd #alias pu pushd #alias ls 'ls -F' #alias l 'ls -F' #alias ll 'ls -Fl'