There is on-line documentation for the TeX installation at the University of Western Australia installed on our machines that can be accessed with Netscape.

To get it, open


on Solaris machines or


on SunOS machines.

I mention this because there is a lot of helpful information here, not all of which corresponds exactly to our installation, unfortunately. (E.g., the instructions for generating .pdf files do not apply here; follow the instructions in my previous e-mail.) There is more extensive and more accurate dvips documentation, for example, than is available on the man page. Both were supplied by the author of dvips, but for some reason, he didn't think it necessary to mention all the options on the man page, e.g., you can say

dvips -pp 1-2,5-6 main

to print only pages 1, 2, 5, and 6 of main.dvi.

Brad Lucier