%last modified by Banuelos Nov 1, 2006 \documentclass[11pt]{letter2007} % Uncomment the following line to use the color logo %\ColorLogo \signature{your-name-here,\\ Professor of you-know-what} \begin{document} \begin{letter} {Professor Name-goes-here\\ Department of Mathematics\\ Some University\\ Some City, IN 47906} \opening{Dear Professor Name-goes-here,} I am writing to ilustrate how one would go about creating a letter using official looking Purdue Math Department stationery. This is a second paragraph. \closing{Sincerely,} \bigskip %\encl{Some-other-stuff-goes-here} %\cc{Another-name-goes-hear} %Uncomment these last two if you you "enclosures" and "cc" \end{letter} \end{document}