









1.      University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University, 2019.

2.     NSF CAREER Award, 2016

3.     Mentor for Purdue undergraduate team, awarded the Prize of Finalist in the MCM math modeling contest2016

4.     Mathematical Biosciences Institute Early Career Award, 2015

5.     Ronald L. Brodzinski Award for Early Career Exception Achievement, Department of Energy Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2012.

6.     Early Career Award, Department of Energy Pacific Northwest National Laboratory2012.

7.     Advanced Scientific Computing Research Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) award, Department of Energy 2010.

8.    Outstanding Performance Award, Department of Energy Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2010.

9.     Ostrach Fellowship, Brown University, 2005.


Current Research Grants


1   IMA PI conference grant $5000 for the workshop on “Approximation Theory and Machine Learning Conference”, Purdue University, Sep. 29-30, 2018.

2   Purdue Mathematics Department CCAM grant $6000 for the workshop on “Current Trends and Challenges in Data Science and Uncertainty Quantification”, Purdue University, Mar 31, 2018.


3   Collaborative Research: Design and Analysis of Data-Enabled High-Order Accurate Multiscale Schemes and Parallel Simulation Toolkit for Studying Electromagnetohydrodynamic Flow, awarded from Division of Mathematical Sciences, CDS&E-MSS program, 2018-2019, $50,000 (DMS-1821233), 2018.

4   Collaborative Research: AMPS: Multi-Fidelity Modeling via Machine Learning for Real-time Prediction of Power System Behavior, awarded from NSF Division of Mathematical Science, 2017-2020, $240,000. (DMS-1736364), 2017.

5   Career: Uncertainty Quantification and Big Data Analysis in Interconnected Systems: Algorithms, Computations, and Applications, 2016 National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from NSF Division of Mathematical Science, 2016-2021, $400,759.91 (DMS-1555072)

6   Startup Fund from Purdue University