







Recent professional service


1.    Mentor for Purdue Network for Computational Nanotechnology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2014-Present. Mentored 5 undergraduates: Yiyi Chen, Ruotong Ji, Zixuan Liu, Tian Qiu, Lefei Liu.

2.  Serve in the Predictive Science Clustering Hiring Purdue Faculty Search Committee in 2015-2016

3.  Mentor in Purdue undergraduate team, who was awarded the prize of finalist in the MCM math modeling contest in 2016, which is one of 22 finalist teams out of 7421 teams around the world.

4.  Mentor at Purdue Campus for the Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement, 2015-Present

5.   Serve as NSF CISE proposal reviewer, 2016

6.  Guest Editor: Special Issue "Mathematical Models and Computational Methods in Biofilm Research (MMCM)", BioMed Research International, 2016.

7.   Served in the Editorial board, International Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, 2010-Present

8.  Served in the Editorial board, Austin Statistics, 2013-Present

9.  Served in the Editorial board, Scientific World Journal, 2013-Present

10.     Served in the Editorial board, Journal of Stochastics, 2013-Present