Baiying Liu

  Address: Department of Mathematics
           Purdue University
           150 N. University St
           West Lafayette, IN, 47907
  Office:  Math 616
  Phone:   765-494-1971 

I am an associate professor at the math department of Purdue University.

Here is my Curriculum Vitae.

Purdue Colloquium Seminar.

Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory Seminar.

Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory Seminar Fall 2018 -- Fall 2024. Youtube Channel

Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory Seminar before Fall 2018.

HAAR (Harmonic Analysis and Automorphic Representations) Zoominar

Research Interests

Automorphic Forms, L-functions, Langlands Program, Representation Theory, Number Theory

Publications and Preprints:

Publications and Preprints


Sabbatical-2022 Fall

Math351-2022 Spring

Math35301-2021 Fall

Math266-2021 Spring

Math351-2020 Fall

Math265-2020 Spring

Math303-2019 Fall

Math265-2019 Spring

Math265-2018 Fall

Math303-2017 Fall

Math265-2016 Fall