Learning Seminar on Weil Conjecture I
Fall 2024
Organizers: Daniel Le, Tong Liu and Deepam Patel
- Monday 2:00-3:20 pm, Math 731.
Aug. 26th The first talk is given by Daniel Le in Math 731, 2:00-3:20 pm (backup plan: SCHM 314, 2:30 -4:00 pm.)
Sep. 9th The 2nd talk is given by Ruipeng Zou.
Sep. 16th The 3rd talk is given by (Nicol) George Diaz-Wahl.
Tentative topics and shedule:
A reference plan
Resources and useful links:
Deligne's paper on Weil Conjecture I, translated and typed by Milne
Lectures on etale cohomology by Milne
Etale Cohomology and the Weil Conjecture by Freitag and Kiehl, use you Purdue ID to access
Analogy of Weil Conjecture in analytic situation by Serre
Aug. 19th, 2024