MATH416 - Probability (Sections 156, 157)
Fall 2019


Text book

A First Course in Probability, 10th Edition, Pearson, by Sheldon Ross.


Instructor: Changyou Wang

Office: MATH 714
Office Hours: Tuesday 9:30-10:15 am; Wednesday 11-12 pm or by appointment
Telephone: (765) 494-2719
Email Address:



Course Syllabus


Lecture Time and Location

TR 10:30-11:45 am (UNIV 117) for section 156
TR12:00-1:15 pm (UNIV 117) for section 157

Exams Schedule

Midterm I: Mon, 09/23/2019, 6:30-7:30 pm, ME 1061 ,

Midterm II: Mon, 10/28/2019, 8-9 pm, MATH 175 ,

Final Exam: The final week, Date/time/location (TBA)



There are regular homework assignments, beginning from the first week. Homework will be posted on Blackboard by Thursday. You are welcome to work in groups, but you must submit your own write-up of the solutions. Homework is due each Tuesday in class (starting from the second week). No late homework is accepted. A missed homework assignment may not be made up. Two worst homework assignment scores will be dropped at the end of semester. A subset of the assigned homework problems will be graded. All homework turned in must include your name, course section number, homework number and date . Make sure that your handwriting is clear to read. Full details and middle steps followed to obtain the final answers are required to receive full credit.


Homework Due Schedule

  • Homework One (Due August 27, till 4pm)
  • Homework two (Due September 3, till 4pm)
  • Homework three (Due September 10, till 4pm)
  • Homework four (Due September 17, till 4pm)
  • Homework five (Due September 26, till 4pm)
  • Homework six (Due October 1, till 4pm)
  • Homework seven (Due October 10, till 4pm)
  • Homework eight (Due October 15, till 4pm)
  • Homework nine (Due October 24, till 4pm)
  • Homework ten (Due November 7, till 4pm)
  • Homework eleven (Due November 19, till 4pm)
  • Homework twelve (Due December 3, till 4pm)
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    Exam Review Help Materials

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    Grading Scheme:

    Homework is worth 25%.

    Each of the two midterm exams is worth 20%.

    Tinal exam is worth 35%.
