Current Officers (2024-2025):

Contact Us:

We love to hear suggestions for activities and/or speakers. Please voice your ideas on our Discord.



The mission of Math Club is to promote enthusiasm and interest in mathematics on the Purdue University campus. This is accomplished by exposing students to hitherto unexplored and exciting branches of math in a casual, friendly, and fun atmosphere, which may or may not include bad math jokes.

About the Club:

If you are interested in mathematics, we are certain you will find any amount of time you spend with Math Club to be rewarding. Membership is by no means based upon mathematical ability; our only wish is to propagate an interest in the diverse field of mathematics. Meetings and membership are casual, but we are a fairly dynamic organization that coordinates numerous mathematical and social events. Typically these include speakers, participating in math conventions and competitions at other universities, and simply hanging out. We are always open to suggestions for more activities!

Regularly Scheduled Meetings:

Meetings for the Fall 2022 semester will be held on Wednesdays at 7 PM. The location changes weekly, so join the Discord to get updates.

Become a Member:

If you'd like to become a member, stop by a weekly club meeting and talk to any officer. Dues are $10, but you can still come to meetings without paying dues.