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MA 26500, Spring 2024
Linear Algebra

Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to linear algebra. Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of matrices, applications. Not open to students with credit in MA 26200, 27200, 35000 or 35100.

Course Info.

Exam Info.


Instructor Info

Section Room Time Instructor Office
172 SCHM 114 9:30AM MWF Eric Griffin Samperton
173 BRNG B268 12:30PM MWF Andrey Glubokov
196 SCHM 313 3:00PM TR Jing Wang MATH 420
201 PHYS 202 9:30AM MWF Daniel Tuan-Dan Le MATH 618
202 BRNG B268 3:00PM TR Ning Wei MATH 404
213 BRNG B268 4:30PM TR Ning Wei MATH 404
214 SCHM 313 12:30PM MWF Ping Xu
225 SCHM 313 2:30PM MWF Ping Xu
226 SCHM 313 1:30PM MWF Ping Xu
237 SCHM 313 10:30AM MWF Sai Kee Yeung MATH 712
238 SCHM 313 3:30PM MWF Siamak Yassemi
240 PHYS 333 12:30PM MWF Daniel Lentine Johnstone
241 PHYS 333 11:30AM MWF Daniel Lentine Johnstone
252 LILY G401 10:30AM TR Raechel Polak None None
253 LILY G401 9:00AM TR Raechel Polak None None
264 WALC 3127 1:30PM MWF Yiran Wang
265 WALC 3127 12:30PM MWF Yiran Wang
276 BRNG B268 8:30AM MWF Iryna Egorova
277 BRNG B268 9:30AM MWF Iryna Egorova
281 LILY G401 7:30AM TR Arun Albert Debray
282 LILY G401 12:00PM TR Arun Albert Debray
283 SCHM 114 2:30PM MWF Oleksandr Tsymbaliuk MATH 620
284 SCHM 313 1:30PM TR Jing Wang MATH 420
285 PHYS 202 12:30PM MWF Yi Wang
287 PHYS 202 1:30PM MWF Yi Wang
288 PHYS 333 7:30AM MWF Krishnendu Khan
289 PHYS 333 8:30AM MWF Krishnendu Khan
298 SCHM 313 4:30PM MWF Siamak Yassemi
299 LILY G420 12:30PM MWF Ying Zhang MATH 802
300 LILY G420 1:30PM MWF Ying Zhang MATH 802

Course Materials

Section Type Title Author
ALL SUPP MyLab Math access for online homework - ISBN: 9780135851159: Lay: MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Linear Algebra and its Applications 6e (18-Weeks). ISBN: 9780135851258: Lay: Linear Algebra and Its Applications 6e (rental edition).For students that want a print book, they can get the print/rental at the bookstore or they can purchase it from inside the MyLab Math.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

Phone: (765) 494-1901 - FAX: (765) 494-0548  Contact Us

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