Department of Mathematics
Kaitlyn Hood


  1. S. A. Malingen, K. Hood*, E. Lauga, A. E. Hosoi, T. L. Daniel. "Fluid flow in the sarcomere." Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, p. 108923, 2021. [link]
  2. K. Hood*, M. S. S. Jammalamadaka, and A. E. Hosoi. “Marine crustaceans with hairy appendages: role of hydrodynamic boundary layers in sensing and feeding.” Physical Review Fluids, 4, 114102, 2019 [arxiv]
  3. K. Hood* and M. Roper. "Pairwise interactions in inertially-driven one-dimensional microfluidic crystals." Physical Review Fluids, 3, 094201, 2018. [arXiv]
  4. K. Hood*, S. Kahkeshani, D. Di Carlo, M. Roper. "Direct Measurement of Particle Inertial Migration in Rectangular Microchannels". Lab on a Chip, 16(15): pp. 2840-2850, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/c6lc00314a. [link]
  5. K. Hood*, S. Lee, M. Roper. "Inertial migration of a rigid sphere in three-dimensional Poiseuille flow". Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 765: pp. 311-340, 2015. [link]
  6. L. De Pillis, K. Hood*, E. J. Graham, Y. Ma, A. Radunskaya, and J. Simons. "Injury-initiated clot formation under flow: a mathematical model with warfarin treatment". In Applications of Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine, volume 158 of The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, pp. 75-98. Springer New York, 2015. [link]
  7. K. A. Okoudjou, R. Strichartz, and E. K. Tuley*. "Orthogonal Polynomials on the Sierpinski gasket". Constructive Approximation, 37(3): pp. 311-340, 2013. [arXiv] [OP on SG website]
  8. G. Kutyniok, K. A. Okoudjou, F. Phillip, E. K. Tuley*. "Scalable Frames". Linear Algebra and its Applications", 438(5): pp. 2225-2238, 2013. [arXiv]
  9. PhD thesis: K. Hood. "Theory of Inertial Focusing in Inertial Microfluidic Devices," 2016 [link].