Patrick DeBonis


Graduate Student | Department of Mathematics | Purdue University | West Lafayette, Indiana
MATH B013 | pdebonis @

Phd, Mathematics, Purdue University, in-progress
BS, Mathematics, University of New Mexico, 2019

Purdue Operator Algebra Seminar

Here is a link to the Purdue Operator Algebra Seminar Calendar Spring 2024.


For Spring 2024, I will be in a non-teaching role. Here is a record of my past teaching and TA positions.

Research Intrests



About Me

My pronouns are they/them, and I am a graduate student in the math department at Purdue University. My research interests fall under the umbrella of Operator Algebras. More specifically, I focus on von Neumann algebras and the properties of II_1 factors arising from groups. Currently, I am working with Rolando de Santiago. During my undergraduate I was interested in the joint spectrum of hermitian matrices and completed an undergraduate thesis under the guidance of Terry Loring at the University of New Mexico.

Math education is important to me, and I have served as the primary instructor and teaching assistant for several courses. Most recently, I taught EDCI 222 , Knowing the World through Mathematics during Fall 2023. Other engagements with Purdue include, currently being the PGSG Senator for Mathematics. From the Summer of 2020 until Spring 2023, I participated in my department's reading group on antiracism in and around mathematics. I co-facilitated the group with Alden Bradford and Naomi Levine between Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. (I will eventually repair the reading groups webpage).