Professor Conducts AIDS Research

Professor Milner For the past six years, Professor Fabio Milner has been conducting AIDS related research. Milner's research on AIDS modeling has been oriented in two disjoint directions. First, in collaboration with an Italian team of mathematicians, computer scientists, physicians, and epidemiologists, deterministic mathematical models were designed to simulate the HIV/AIDS epidemic among intravenous drug users in Latium, a region of Rome, Italy. Secondly, in collaboration with a psychologist, (formerly a Purdue professor) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, research was done to help understand the psychological motivations college students may have that lead them from various social situations to sexual behavior that is at high risk for the dissemination of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). A description of the first project follows.

The first model for propagation of HIV/AIDS among intravenous drug users was based on a fairly standard model of epidemics of SIR type due to Kermack and McKendrick, which structures the population into three classes: susceptibles, who may contract the disease, infecteds who may transmit the disease to susceptibles by direct contact, and removeds who do not transmit or contract the disease and, consequently, do not participate in the dynamics of the epidemic. For the HIV/AIDS model, susceptibles are individuals who test negative to the human immunodeficiency virus HIV, infecteds are those who test positive, and removeds are those who have developed full-blown AIDS. The model consists of an initial-boundary value problem for a system of three differential equations, one modeling the dynamics of each of the three epidemic classes. The equations that describe the dynamics of susceptibles and removeds are ordinary, since there does not seem to be a great distinction in behavior among those individuals within each of these two groups. The rate of change of the number of susceptibles is assumed to consist of three terms: first, a mortality and removal term assumed to be proportional to the size of the group (this is the rate at which susceptibles leave the population); second, a recruitment or immigration term assumed to be equal to the product of the initial size of the population and the mortality rate, so that the total population size will stay constant; third, a removal term due to contagion which represents the rate of passage from the class of susceptibles to that of infecteds. The rate of change of the number of removeds is assumed to consist of two terms: first, a mortality term assumed proportional to the size of the group and, secondly, a recruitment term representing the rate of passage from the class of infecteds to that of removeds. Infecteds are structured by age of infection, that is, the time elapsed since they became infected with HIV. This is an essential feature in the dynamics of this particular epidemic, since infectiousness as well as transition rate from seropositivity to AIDS are strongly dependent on this variable. Therefore, the equation modeling the dynamics of infecteds is a partial differential equation for which the "boundary" condition corresponding to age of infection equal to zero represents the transition from the class of susceptibles to that of infecteds; and finally, a removal term representing the transition from the class of infecteds to that of removeds.

The dependence of infectiousness and transition rate of passage into the AIDS class were taken from the literature. The former has been measured mostly in terms of the level of blood antibodies in infected individuals, the latter from some groups of individuals for whom regular blood samples were available over many years, thus making it possible to determine with some accuracy when they became infected and to follow them up to see when they developed AIDS. The mortality rate was assumed to be the same in all three epidemic classes. This was done to make the mathematical model tractable but is clearly unrealistic. However, the mortality rate in the two classes which are responsible for the dynamics of the epidemic, susceptibles and infecteds, is indeed almost the same, while that for individuals with full-blown AIDS is much larger but does not affect the propagation of the disease as these individuals do not interact with susceptibles since they are mostly confined to hospital beds. The assumption that the population size is constant is a severe one. In fact, little is known concerning this population, since intravenous drug users usually do not offer information about their drug use habits, so most of the knowledge about them is tentative at best and frequently nonexistent. The contact rate between susceptibles and infecteds, which is a very important parameter in the model, can only be guessed. The same is true of the number of infected individuals present "initially" and of what is meant by this word. That is, when the first HIV infected individuals appeared in this population and how many there were are unknown quantities needed in the model.

These three quantities were estimated as an inverse problem designed to give the best fit of the few reliable data available, which were the total numbers of new AIDS cases for several years. The values thus obtained were one infected individual initially present in 1979, a mean contact rate estimated at 53, which amounts to about one new needle sharing partner per week. This value may seem high but the reason is that the model only uses the product of this number and the infectiousness, and so the contact rate may actually be 5.3, for example, with an infectiousness equal to ten times the level of blood antibodies. This said, the resulting parameters used seem quite plausible and allowed the use of the model for the two main purposes of sensitivity analysis and prediction. The predicted numbers of new AIDS cases for the two years following the first study were almost perfect. The sensitivity analysis showed little sensitivity to some characteristics of the infectiousness and transition rates to AIDS, but a strong one to contact rate.

A more complex model structuring susceptibles and infecteds by activity level was also described, in which individuals with a high contact rate were separated from those with a low contact rate. One of the main differences with the simpler model was that the complex one has multiple non-trivial steady states, which would allow the epidemic to stabilize at different endemic levels depending on initial conditions. This underlines the importance of being able to better establish what the initial conditions and parameters of the model are in reality, which will necessitate further demographic and sociological studies of the population involved.

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