Deepam Patel
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Office: Math 606
E-mail: patel471 "at" purdue "dot" edu
Phone: 765-494-1966

Teaching (Spring 2024):

Not teaching this semester.

Research: I'm mostly interested in algebraic geometry/number theory. More recently, I've become interested in some aspects of model theory and logic. You can find more information and some papers/preprints here.

Algebraic Geometry Seminar: see here for more information.

Learning Seminar:

Most semesters, I and some members of the algebraic geometry/number theory group organize some sort of learning seminar.

Spring 2025: Condensed Mathematics (see here).

Fall 2024:The Weil Conjectures, see here for more information.

Fall 2021: We (Tong Liu, Dan Le, Shiang Tang) organized a learning seminar on Mazur's Eisenstein Ideal Paper, see here for more information.