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Journal Articles

11. Inertial wave attractors and foliations in librating cuboids. (submitted)
10. Welfert, B. D., Lopez, J. M., Wu K. '' Inertial wave attractors in a rapidly rotating tilted cuboids.'' Proc. R. Soc. A (accepted)
9 Lopez J.M, Shen J., Welfert B.D., Wu K., "Boundary confined waves in a librating cube." J. Fluid Mech, RAPIDS, 2022 
8. Wu, K., Welfert, B. D. & Lopez, J. M. "Reflections and focusing of inertial waves in a tilted librating cube." J. Fluid Mech, 2022
7. Huang F.K., Wu K., Shen J. "Bound/positivity preserving and unconditionally stable schemes for a class of fourth-order nonlinear equations."  J. Comp Phys, 2022
6. Wu K., Huang F.K., Shen J., "A new class of higher-order decoupled schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and applications to rotating dynamics." J. Comp Phys, 2022
5. Wu K., Welfert B.D., Lopez J.M., "Reflections and focusing of inertial waves in a librating cube with the rotation axis oblique to its faces." J. Fluid Mech, 2020.
4. Wu K., Welfert B.D., Lopez J.M., "Precessing cube: resonant excitation of modes and triadic resonance." J. Fluid Mech, 2020.
3. Wu K., Welfert B.D., Lopez J.M., "Librational forcing of a rapidly rotating fluid-filled cube." J. Fluid Mech, 2018.
2. Wu K., Welfert B.D., Lopez J.M., "Complex dynamics in a stratified lid-driven cavity flow." J. Fluid Mech, 2018.
1. Lopez J.M., Welfert B.D., Wu K., Yalim J., "Transition to complex dynamics in the cubic lid-driven cavity." Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2017.