Math 442, Spring 2017

44200  	H01 	22149 	MWF  	10:30AM-11:20AM 	MATH 215  	Bradley Lucier            	MATH 400  

Multivariate Analysis I Honors

Professor Bradley J. Lucier
OFFICE: Math 400
OFFICE PHONE: +1 (765) 494-1979

Final Exam Time and Place

MA	44200	22149	22149-H01	Tue 05/02	1:00p - 3:00p	MATH 215

Background Expectations

The formal mathematical prerequisite for this course is a grade of B- or better in MA 44000. I've selected topics and a level of presentation specifically to follow on Professor Zink's version of 44000 taught in Fall 2016. In particular, we shall review only briefly the basic properties of real numbers (supremum and infimum, $\limsup$ and $\liminf$, open and closed sets, etc.) and we shall assume a treatment of one-variable calculus as in MA 44000. Some homework may be assigned to review this material.

In this course, you will be expected to prove mathematical statements. Proofs consist of English sentences, symbols alone are not sufficient. A high grade in this class will depend on proficiency in the English language.


This course will prepare you for graduate courses in Lebesgue integration (e.g., MA 544 at Purdue), optimization, control theory, etc.


I will send you email from time to time, and I expect you to read it.


There are two texts. The first is Mathematical Analysis I by Elias Zakon, which is an ebook in various PDF formats that is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 unported license. In particular, it is a free (as in "gratis") book as well as free (as in "libre"). You can buy a paperback copy of Mathematical Analysis I if you like.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and the first 10 sections of Chapter 3 are compressed and excerpted from the author's Basic Concepts of Mathematics. See this book for an expanded treatment of the material in Mathematical Analysis I.

We shall also use Chapter 6 from Mathematical Analysis II, also by Eliaz Zakon, another ebook. This chapter is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 unported license.


Here is a preliminary syllabus. It may be helpful to read a section or two ahead to familiarize yourself with the terms and notation before we cover the material in class.


Quizes are roughly a half hour in length, and they will take place (roughly) every second Friday beginning February 3.

Academic Integrity

While I strongly encourage students in this class to work together on homework and preparing for tests, it is essential that you hand in your own work. Evidence that students have cheated on a quiz or on the final exam will result in a zero grade on that quiz or exam, and the evidence will be sent to the Office of the Dean of Students.


Normally, homework will be assigned one week (MWF), and will be due the Wednesday of the following week. I do not accept late homework.


Daily attendance in class is critical to success in this course. Each lecture I will randomly call on a number of students and invite them to participate (answer a question, do a problem on the board, etc.). A student can decline to participate, but I will record whether the student is in attendance.

If, for some reason, you cannot make it to class, please inform me (preferably ahead of time).

Office hours

Monday evenings, 7:00PM to 10:00PM. Students will meet in MATH 431, a seminar room, to work on problems; I will be available in my office, MATH 400, for questions and consultations.

I am also available by appointment. There are times nearly every day when I'm available to answer questions.

Grading Scheme

Homework: 100 points; biweekly quizes: 200 points; final exam: 200 points. Total: 500 points.

Math Club

The Math Club sponsors activities for all students interested in mathematics. It meets each Thursday at 6:00PM in REC 108, starting soon. Sometimes they supply free pizza.

Tutors are available

The Mathematics Department maintains a list of mathematics tutors.

Bradley Lucier's home page