SuperDC Stable
Superfast Divide-and-Conquer Eigenvalue
Decomposition (in Matlab)
Xiaofeng Ou (ou17 -at-, Jianlin Xia, Purdue University. Feedback
and suggestions are welcome. Provided as is. No
warranty whatsoever. No liability whatsoever. (GNU General Public License v2.0)
Hermitian matrices
(represented/approximated by HSS forms). Examples:
Banded matrices
Toeplitz matrices (in Fourier space)
discretized integral equations
complements in direct factorizations of some sparse matrices
Other dense or sparse matrices with small off-diagonal
(numerical) ranks
No tridiagonal reduction needed
Nearly O(n)
complexity for
full eigenvalue decomposition
Nearly O(n) storage for all
Many stability features (stabilization like in
tridiagonal divide-and-conquer, safeguards for clustered eigenvalues, stable FMM, etc.)
User controllable accuracy
To cite the work (the package is used for)
X. Ou and J. Xia, SuperDC: Stable superfast
divide-and-conquer eigenvalue decomposition, submitted
X. Ou,
J. Vogel, J. Xia, and Z. Xin, Efficient numerical
computations via superfast eigenvalue decompositions,
preprint, 2021.
Earlier related work
J. Vogel, J. Xia, S. Cauley, and V. Balakrishnan, Superfast
divide-and-conquer method and perturbation analysis for
structured eigenvalue solutions, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38 (2016), pp. A1358-A1382.
Journal article link)
D. Cai and J. Xia, A stable matrix version of the fast multipole
method: stabilization strategies and examples, submitted. (PDF)
HSS related
J. Xia, S. Chandrasekaran,
M. Gu, X. S. Li, Fast algorithms for hierarchically
semiseparable matrices, Numer.
Linear Algebra Appl., 17 (2010), pp. 953-976. (PDF.
Journal article link)
J. Xia, Y. Xi, and M. Gu, A superfast structured
solver for Toeplitz linear systems via randomized
sampling, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 33
(2012), pp. 837-858. (PDF.
Journal article link)
J. Xia, S. Chandrasekaran, M. Gu, X. S. Li, Superfast multifrontal
method for large structured linear systems of equations, SIAM
J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 31 (2009), pp. 1382-1411. (PDF.
Journal article link)
X. Liu, J. Xia, and M. V. de Hoop,
Parallel randomized and matrix-free direct solvers for large
structured dense linear systems, SIAM J. Sci. Comput.,
38 (2016), pp. S508-S538. (PDF.
Journal article link)