Math 266 - Ordinary Differential Equations
Fall 2014

Instructor: Tong Liu

Office: MATH 738
Office hours: MWF 2:00 pm-3:00 pm (tentative) or by appointment
Telephone: (765) 494-1946
Email address:
MWF 10:30AM-11:20AM in REC 123 (section 151)
MWF 3:30PM-4:20PM in EE 005 (section 131)


Nov. 5th Reviw Session is scheduled on Thu 11/06, 2014 5:00p - 6:00 pm SMTH 118. We will review practice exam 2

Sep 30th: Review Session is schdeuled on Thu 10/02 5:00p - 6:00p on MTHW 210. We will review the practice exam.

A 4X6 cards with both sides is allowes in the midterms.

Course Guide

Please refer to the Math Department math266 homepage for general course information such as textbook, homework, exam and grade policy.

Exams Schedule:

First Midterm, October 3rd, Friday, in class.

Second Midterm, November 7th, Friday, in class.

Final Exam, TBA.

Special rules for this section:
Hand-Written Homework (including Supplementary Problems and Matlab Projects) will be post after every class in the below link and due the begginning of the next class. Note that our homework assignment may NOT be the exactly the same as the Assignment Sheet provided by Math Department math266 homepage. No late homwork will be accepted.

Actively participating in class and working on extra credit problems will help improve your grade.
Grade Policy:
There will be 2 midterm exams and one common final exam. Each midterm is worth 100 points, the final exam is worth 200 points and homework, quizzes and projects are worth 200 points.
The worst 8 homework, quizzes or projects scores will be dropped.

Homework, handouts, etc

Some useful links:

Math department math266 homepage

Aug. 21th, 2014