Cai's Talks

Neural Network and Scientific Machine Learning

  1. Neural Nets and Numerical PDEs, Brown University (09/17/21), University of Southern Carolina (10/22/21), Nanjing Normal University, China (03/04/22), ExxonMobil (04/28/22), Xinjiang University, China (05/03/22), University of Georgia (10/11/2022), Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (10/17/22), Tsinghua University, China (11/03/22), IUPUI, Indianapolis (02/03/2023), Michigan Tech (9/29/2023).
  2. LSNN method for scalar hyperbolic conservation laws, Workshop on Minimum Residual \& Least-Squares Finite Element Methods, Oct. 5-7, 2022, Santiago, Chile; Berlin Workshop on Numerical Analysis 2022, Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, November 1-22, 2022; the mini symposium "Modern trends in numerical PDEs" at the AMS Sectional Meeting at the University of Cincinnati, April 15-16, 2023; "the Workshop on Foundation of Numerical PDEs" at Foundation of Computational Mathematics 2023, Paris, France, June 19-21, 2023.
  3. Neural Nets and Numerical PDEs, Three Lectures in in London Mathematical Society (LMS) Research School on "Adaptive Methods & Model Reduction for PDEs", Nottingham, UK, May 15-19, 2023.
  4. Neural Networks: a Cousin of Finite Elements, Finite Element Circus, University of Norte Dame, October 20-21, 2023.
  5. Neural Network Methods for Scalar Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Purdue University (11/16/23), City University of Hong Kong (12/8/23), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (12/12/23), the "Recent Advances in Scientific Computing and Deep Learning workshop" at Sanya, China (12/118-22/23).
  6. Neural Networks in Scientific Computing, Southern Methodist University (3/27/24).
A Posteriori Error Estimation
  1. Accuracy Control of Simulations and Self-Adaptive Numerical Methods