Rachael Kenney’s Homepage

Welcome!  I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at Purdue University.  I hold a joint appointment with the Department of Mathematics in the College of Science and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education.  Working in these two homes helps our program stay connected with our secondary mathematics education majors who receive their degree from the College of Science and their teaching certification from the College of Education. I am the undergraduate advisor for the Mathematics Education Club at Purdue.  I also advise several doctoral and master’s students in our graduate programs. 

For more information about the undergraduate or graduate programs in Mathematics Education and my wonderful colleagues, visit the math ed webpages:

For Undergradutate Degrees in Mathematics


For details about Teacher Education


For Graduate Degrees - Masters and Ph.D - in Mathematics Education



Handbook for Current Graduate Students

Math Education Graduate Handbook.htm

    Documents for Current Grad Students


     CI Plan of Study Policies_MSEd.pdf

     PhD Annual Review final (rev 2012).docx

     MS MathEd Annual Review (rev 2012).docx

     PreliminaryExams Math Ed.doc

     Portofolio Math Ed Master's.docx

     GraduateCompetency_ Report_1page.doc

     Contract when taking EDCI590-699.doc


About Me

  1. -Associate Professor of Mathematics Education

  2. -Joint appointment in Departments of Mathematics and Curriculum and Instruction at Purdue University

  3. -Ph.D in Math Education from North Carolina State University, 2008.

  4. -B.S/M.S in Math/Applied Math from University of Dayton, 1999/2000

Contact Info

150 N. University St.

West Lafayette, IN 47907

  1. (765)496-6053

Email Me