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Instructions for submitting final grades

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Current dates can be found at Important Purdue and Departmental Dates

Revised 12/18/18

Procedures for instructors

Instructors responsible for assigning final grades are also responsible for submitting them online using myPurdue before 12:00 noon on the Tuesday after Final Exam Week. Instructors will be contacted by either their lecturer, course coordinator, or the Webassign coordinator with instructions on how to assign final grades. Instructors should follow these instructions carefully. Instructors should meet in person with either the lecturer or course coordinator to have their grades confirmed before 12:00 noon on the Tuesday after Final Exam Week. The lecturer or course coordinator will contact instructors to arrange meeting times and state what materials should be brought to the meeting. After the meeting instructors must bring a paper copy of their grade records to MATH 202. These records must contain the instructor’s name; course number and section numbers; all homework, quiz, exam scores, and final grade; letter grade cutoffs for the course and letter grade cutoffs for the sections. The department needs this information to reconstruct the grade of any student at a later time (usually in response to a grade appeal).

Changing grades on myPurdue after they have been approved by the course coordinator or lecturer and without prior approval from the course coordinator, lecturer or the Associate Head is not permitted. Any such action might lead to immediate termination of employment.

Instructors should not tell students their grade via email or phone.

How to submit grades using myPurdue

  1. Log in to myPurdue using your Purdue career account username and password.
  2. Click the Faculty tab. Click Final Grade Entry (under Quick Links). Select the term using the Select a Term dropdown menu and click the Submit button.
  3. Select the section you want to submit grades for in the Select a CRN dropdown menu and click the Submit button.
  4. Enter grades in the Grade column using the dropdown menus. Click the Submit button when you are finished.
  5. An grade of Incomplete (I) can be assigned if a student was unable to complete coursework due to some unavoidable absence and was passing the course at the start of the absence. A form 60 be included in the grade records submitted to MATH 202.
  6. A grade of FN is assigned if a student did not officially withdraw from the course, but failed to participate in course activities through the end of the term. The last date of participation by the student must be entered by the instructor.

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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