Women in Mathematics Day
Organized by Professor Donatella Danielli, Women in Mathematics day was held on November 27, 2007. Professor Brooke Shipley of the University of Illinois at Chicago gave the Jean E. Rubin Memorial Lecture.
The first part of this talk will introduce certain "up to homotopy" algebraic objects from stable homotopy theory. Examples come from homological algebra and from topological sources. The goal of this talk is to discuss a new notion of topological equivalences of differential graded algebras which arises in stable
homotopy theory.
Jean E. Rubin was Professor of Mathematics at Purdue University from 1967 until her death in 2002. She received a B.S. from Queen's College in New York City in 1948, an M.A. from Columbia in 1949, and a Ph.D. from Stanford in 1955. She taught at Oregon and Michigan State before coming to Purdue.
Professor Rubin was the author of more than 40 papers and five books in set theory and questions related to the axiom of choice.
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