Devilyna Nichols receives award for online course development
Devilyna Nichols, a Department of Mathematics continuing lecturer, has won an Distance Ed Incentive Award from ITaP's Teaching and Learning Technologies' Instructional Development Center (IDC) for her development of an online introduction to calculus course (MA 220Y) in 2007.
The IDC and the Office of Continuing Education and Conferences (OCEC) started the Distance Ed Incentive Award program in 2007 to encourage and support quality distance education development. Program involvement in the pilot year was limited to faculty who taught large enrollment classes, and required involvement in an intensive instructional technology and distance education workshop in May 2007.
Faculty members then developed their courses and submitted them for review by the IDC staff. Courses were evaluated based on Blackboard's Exemplary Course Program rubric in the areas of course design, assessment of student learning and course content, learner support, and effective and innovative use of technology tools.
Nichols was one of eight Purdue University faculty members given this cash prize. Her introduction to calculus course is one of several courses the department has developed for online instruction in the last year. This course was also selected to be part of the Teaching and Learning Technologies Conference this year.
While the task of developing an online course seemed daunting at first, Nichols says she is now a believer in the power of online distance education. "It was possible for a teacher in an Indianapolis high school to succeed in the course in order to be certified to teach calculus in his school," she said while citing the number of ways the course has served her students.
For further information:
Distance Ed Incentive Award Program
University News Service story