ADVANCE PRiME Speaker Series: Women of Color in the Mathematical Sciences
With funding from the ADVANCE – Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success and modeled after Faculty Advancement, Success and Tenure (FAST), Purdue University will host "ADVANCE PRiME: Purdue Research in Mathematics Experience."
This summer program seeks to build a community of underrepresented minorities in the mathematical sciences, focusing on undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education.
This series will take place on Fridays throughout the summer. Keynote addresses will take place over networking luncheons in the Sagamore Restaurant of the Memorial Union. Research talks will start at 3:30 PM in Room 121 of the Recitation Building. See the ADVANCE PRiME flyer (PDF) for a complete schedule.
For more information, contact Dr. Alejandra Alvarado at (765) 494-1423 or; or Dr. Edray Goins at (765) 494-1936 or