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2013 Distinguished Alumni


The College of Science recognized Distinguished Alumni on Friday, April 12, 2013.

Distinguished Mathematics Alumna

jane-hamblinWhen Jane Hamblin (B.S. 1974, Purdue, mathematics; J.D. 1980, Indiana University) was a Purdue senior and Mortar Board member, then-President Arthur Hansen visited the group one evening to talk about his plans for the Big Ten University. The next morning, en route to class, Hamblin passed by Hovde Hall, where she again saw President Hansen. "I was stunned as he said, 'Good morning, Jane.' That he had remembered my name made me feel on top of the world! What an important lesson for me."

Today, Hamblin is using her Purdue experiences in a role as executive director of The Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society, growing the organization and embracing social media and technology to advance its messages and build connections with members. "My time as a student at Purdue taught me to pay attention to a wide range of things at the same time and to balance all of them wisely. I learned how to develop priorities," she says. As a student, Hamblin was instrumental in launching the Emily Mauzy Vogel Sophomore Leadership Development Conference at Purdue. Now known as the EMV, the event to help sophomores establish themselves in their college experience and to foster campus leadership will mark its 23rd year in 2013.

As associate dean of students at Purdue from 1989-97, Hamblin couldn't believe the students' enthusiasm and interest in leadership and running student organizations. "My work as associate dean of students at Purdue probably had the greatest effect on the greatest numbers of people."

Jane Hamblin's other career highlights include: 2009-present, Executive Director, Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society; 2008-10, Director of Development, Starke County Community Foundation; 2005-08, Associate Executive Director, Member Services, American Dental Education Association; 2002-05, Director of Member and Association Services, American Association for Higher Education; 2001-02, Acting Assistant VP for Student Affairs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; 1999-present, Principal, The Stunning Group; 1997-2000, Director of Program Development, Council of Graduate Schools; 1989-97, Associate Dean of Students, Purdue University.


Distinguished Actuarial Science Alumnus

dan_wolakDaniel L. Wolak (B.S. 1975, mathematics; M.S. 1977, mathematics) has more than 30 years of experience in the insurance industry. After serving as Acting President for 9 months at The Union Labor Life Insurance Company (ULLICO Inc.), he was promoted to President in August 2011, overseeing day-to-day operations of the organization, including expanding distribution of existing services and identifying growth opportunities.

Prior to his role as President, Mr. Wolak served as Vice President and Chief Actuary of Union Labor Life for three years. He was responsible for Group Life & Health services, direct marketing pricing, underwriting, product strategies and financial performance. One of his main focuses was to understand the ramification of the healthcare reform legislation on the company's signature Medical Stop Loss business, and suggest actions and strategies for the organization to pursue on this front.

Mr. Wolak is a Certified Life Underwriter (CLU), a Fellow, Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). In addition to these certifications, he is a current member of the Actuarial Advisory Council for Purdue University.

Among Mr. Wolak's career highlights is that he completed the Actuarial Exam series in just 4 1⁄2 years, he accepted a position as Vice President Group Actuary at American United Life Insurance Company in Indianapolis, Indiana, was promoted to Senior Vice President at the General Re Life Corporation, was elected as the Chairperson of the Heath Section of the Society of Actuaries, and was promoted to President at the Union Labor Life Insurance Company.

Mr. Wolak first attended the West Lafayette campus as a senior after completing 3 years at Purdue-Calumet. When he looks back at his Purdue experience, he appreciates that it was academically challenging and focused, which prepared him for the rigors of the actuarial exams and provided him a strong technical background.

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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