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Undergraduate Mathematics Award and Scholarship winners


The Department of Mathematics takes great pride in the accomplishments of our undergraduate students and this spring we recognized many of our students for their academic accomplishments and community involvement. Many of these awards and scholarships are funded by friends and alumni. If you are interested in giving to an undergraduate student award or scholarship program see our Giving to Mathematics page or contact Greg Buzzard.

Mathematics Awards

Michael Golomb Math Award: Michael Yeh; Eugene V. Schenkman Memorial Award: Di Chen; Jerison Memorial Award in Analysis: Bennett Marsh; Glen E. Baxter Memorial Award: Jenna Beckley, Mayfawny Bergmann; Merrill E. Shanks Memorial Award: Sarah Daniel, Brian Wenzel; Senior Achievement Award: Ju Chen, Bennett Marsh, Steve Mussmann, Chenkai Wang, Michael Yeh; Putnam Exam: Sid Parida (22 pts.), Alan Min (12 pts.), Yi Zheng (10 pts.)

Mathematics Scholarships

Andrews: Kristin Hitch, Brian Kidd, Davis Marasligiller, Keyao Shen, Haozhe Yu; Thomas Arai Scholarship: MacKenzie Druecke; Leonard D. & Anna W. Berkovitz Scholarship: Cole Manschot; Curtis Memorial Scholars: Sandra McPherson, Mary Ritter; Mark Hoppy Memorial Scholar: Alicia Buness; Virginia Mashin Scholars: Julia Druzbicki, Felix Francisco-Sanchez, Milana Golich; Arthur Rosenthal Scholars: Luis Baeza, Heather Conway, Ian Hensen, James Marshall Reber, Min, Dana Smith, Jack Vanschaik; Jean Rubin Scholars: Yuting Chen, Patrick Lewis, Mikaela Meyer, Kristen Mori, Andres Urrego, Tatiana Utreras, Yunzhe Xu; Helen Clark Wight Scholars: Rachel Aker, Jenna Beckley, Jennifer Dean, Baylee Hibshman, Jennifer Losby, Morgan Taylor; Andris A. Zoltners Scholar: Edwin Baeza

Actuarial Science Awards and Scholarships

Northwestern Mutual Actuarial Science Service Award: Alicia Buness; Senior Merit Awards: Li Kang, Ayu Tariq; Northwestern Mutual Outstanding Freshman in Actuarial Science: Ben Coomer; Northwestern Mutual Outstanding Sophomore in Actuarial Science : Drew Simmermeyer; Outstanding Junior in Actuarial Science: Ningzhu Yang; Outstanding Seniors in Actuarial Science: Anji Li, Deepa Singh; Milliman Awards: Peter Boyd, Brandon Burnell, Grant Kinney, Lisa Pitman, JT Turner; Swiss Re Awards: Hannah Basham, Christian Catania, Sarah LaFrancois, James Riley, Dylan Shake; College of Science Scholarships: Katherine Combs, Yajing Duo, Jackson Hunt, Tianyu Zhang; Aegon Scholarship: Conner Merritt; Lafayette Life Foundation Scholarships: Jana Amstutz, Wan Jiang, Hayden Bond St. John; Regenstrief Summer Research Projects: Tianzhao "Jonathan" Wu, Mengying Yang, Tianyu Zhang, Xiaofei "Sophie" Zhang.

College of Science Awards

Outstanding Seniors: Anji Li, Actuarial Science Honors and Applied Statistics (minors: Computer Science, Management, and Art & Design); Bennett Marsh, Physics Honors and Mathematics Honors; Stephen Mussmann, Mathematics (Honors), Statistics (Honors), Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics with Computer Science, and Computer Science (minor: Physics); Deepa Singh, Actuarial Science Honors, Applied Statistics, and Chemistry (ACS) (minors: Biological Sciences and Management); Chenkai Wang, Mathematics. Outstanding Juniors: Edwin Baeza, Mathematics; Ningzhu Yang, Actuarial Science. Outstanding Sophomores: Luis Baeza, Mathematics; Drew Simmermeyer, Actuarial Science. Outstanding Freshmen: Ben Coomer, Actuarial Science; Yang Shi, Mathematics

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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