Prof. Matsuki receives Most Distinguished Faculty for Academics award

Prof. Kenji Matsuki has been awarded the Most Distinguished Faculty for Academics through Residential Life and University Residences.
This award, along with the Most Distinguished Faculty for Research, Most Outstanding Faculty and the Frederick L. Hovde Outstanding Faculty Fellow, is nominated and selected by students living in University Residences. These awards were presented at the Favorite Faculty Reception, giving students in residence halls the chance to recognize the outstanding faculty who have influenced them.
Prof. Matsuki received multiple nominations, which was a factor in being selected for this award, according to the committee members. Nominations cited his engaging lecture style, clear examples and emphasis on student focus and learning in the classroom.
“Students are given time to write what he is writing and think about what he has said. Finally, the best demonstration of how effective his teaching style is a completely packed lecture hall every day of class, with students from his lecture and other lectures.”
Prof. Matsuki teaches undergraduates in Analytic Geometry and Calculus I and II (MA 16500 and MA 16600.)