CDEV Chair Election: Alexandria Volkening
The Cell and Developmental Biology (CDEV) Subgroup in the Society for Mathematical Biology brings together interdisciplinary researchers with shared and complementary biological interests, working with a wealth of mathematical models and methods.
In Fall 2022, the subgroup held elections for new leadership positions (2-year terms), and Alexandria Volkening was elected chair of the subgroup.
Her professional leadership experience includes being chair of the AWM Travel Grant Selection Committee, section editor for the SIAM DSWeb Media Gallery, and co-organizer of two AMS Mathematics Research Communities and an AMS Short Course. She also has experience co-leading mentoring, icebreaker, and mini-tutorial events at several conferences. In terms of her priorities as subgroup chair, with the challenges that the pandemic have caused, she is especially interested in helping to create opportunities for graduate students and postdocs to build connections, community, and visibility. You can follow along with the subgroup’s activities here: