Day 8 - $\LaTeX$ for Journal Publications



"Publish or Perish" is a common mantra, and to publish, you have to get your paper accepted - and actually placed in a journal.

Most mathematics journals use $\LaTeX$ with some specific submission standards - if you are lucky, they will communicate them to you, sometimes including document classes that format things how they like.

For example, the Journal of the American Mathematical Society happens to have some very explicit tools for preparing a manuscript for submission.

Actual guidelines vary from journal to journal, but you are typically allowed to define your own \newcommands and load standard packages, within reason. Use good judgement and trust in the review process.

After you work through today's worksheet, if you are finished early, please explore the $\LaTeX$ Advanced Topics lessons prepared. They will cover a variety of useful things to learn that didn't make it into the course proper.

Low-level precise positioning control

$\LaTeX$ endeavors to do what's right without your input, but sometimes you need to give it a little nudge. This is an almost endless rabbit hole, but there are a small number of functions worth knowing and playing around with:

Command mode effect
\, math Small horizontal space
\! math Small horizontal negative space
\raisebox{1 em} text Raises or lowers text within brackets by the specified distance
\hspace{1 em} text Creates a positive or negative horizontal space
~ text non-breaking space; use in the place of to (almost) guarantee adjacent words appear on the same line.

These commands can be used to give $\LaTeX$ little formatting nudges. for example, if you do not like the space after a / in a line of $\LaTeX$, you can do:

a /\! b

to bring them a little closer.

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