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MA 16100, Fall 2013

Course Info.


Exam Info.


Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 5.00. Introduction to differential and integral calculus of one variable, with applications. Some schools or departments may allow only 4 credit hours toward graduation for this course. Designed for students who have not had at least a one-semester calculus course in high school, with a grade of "A" or "B". Not open to students with credit in MA 16500. Demonstrated competence in college algebra and trigonometry. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 16100 100 PHYS 114 7:30am MWF Chen, Kuan-Hua MATH 848
MA 16100 378 REC 114 11:30am TR Bloome, Lane MATH 719
MA 16100 380 REC 226 2:30pm TR Von Arb, Rachel MATH 641
MA 16100 382 REC 317 1:30pm TR Von Arb, Rachel MATH 641
MA 16100 383 REC 114 10:30am TR Wong, Harrison MATH 615
MA 16100 398 REC 122 9:30am TR Wong, Harrison MATH 615
MA 16100 399 REC 226 12:30pm TR Bloome, Lane MATH 719
MA 16100 200 PHYS 114 3:30pm MWF Cook, Peter MATH 827
MA 16100 102 HAMP 2123 11:30am TR Mathison, Chase MATH 713
MA 16100 161 REC 114 7:30am TR Gouthaman, Vignesh MATH 741
MA 16100 191 REC 122 8:30am TR Gouthaman, Vignesh MATH 741
MA 16100 261 HAMP 2123 12:30pm TR Mathison, Chase MATH 713
MA 16100 282 MSEE B010 3:30pm TR Billingsley, Tyler MATH 717
MA 16100 371 MSEE B010 4:30pm TR Billingsley, Tyler MATH 717
MA 16100 300 EE 129 12:30pm MWF Toms, Andrew MATH 720
MA 16100 171 PHYS 202 11:30am TR Lynn, Mark MATH 717
MA 16100 212 PHYS 202 1:30pm TR Kaminski, Michael MATH 605
MA 16100 301 PHYS 202 9:30am TR Jackson, Artur MATH 701
MA 16100 311 PHYS 202 10:30am TR Jackson, Artur MATH 701
MA 16100 341 PHYS 202 12:30pm TR Kaminski, Michael MATH 605
MA 16100 351 PHYS 202 8:30am TR Lynn, Mark MATH 717
MA 16100 375 EE 129 1:30pm MWF Lempert, Laszlo MATH 728
MA 16100 406 KNOY B019 2:30pm TR Long, Tengfei MATH 741
MA 16100 407 REC 227 8:30am TR Mendiola, Mark MATH 741
MA 16100 408 UNIV 117 3:30pm TR Chen, Yuxi MATH 741
MA 16100 409 REC 227 9:30am TR Mendiola, Mark MATH 741
MA 16100 410 KNOY B041 1:30pm TR Long, Tengfei MATH 741
MA 16100 411 UNIV 117 4:30pm TR Chen, Yuxi MATH 741
MA 16100 396 EE 129 8:30am MWF BaƱuelos, Rodrigo MATH 428
MA 16100 386 HAMP 2118 8:30am TR Spitler, Ryan MATH 613
MA 16100 387 MSEE B010 1:30pm TR Mukundan, Vivek MATH 1037
MA 16100 388 PHYS 202 3:30pm TR Ng, Ngai fung MATH 705
MA 16100 401 MSEE B010 12:30pm TR Mukundan, Vivek MATH 1037
MA 16100 402 HAMP 2118 7:30am TR Spitler, Ryan MATH 613
MA 16100 403 PHYS 202 2:30pm TR Ng, Ngai fung MATH 705

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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