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MA 22400, Spring 2014

Course Info.


Exam Info.

Online Homework

Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 3.00. Integral calculus; partial derivatives; differentials; introduction to differential equations. Applications to management and economics. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 22400 001 REC 227 1:30pm MWF Peng, Guanying MATH G142
MA 22400 011 PHYS 110 10:30am MWF Luo, Yankeng MATH 437
MA 22400 012 KNOY B031 4:30pm MWF Moehring, Brian MATH 733
MA 22400 021 LILY G126 8:30am MWF Davis, Owen MATH 812
MA 22400 022 KNOY B031 3:30pm MWF Moehring, Brian MATH 733
MA 22400 023 REC 317 8:30am MWF Miser, Jill MATH 741
MA 22400 031 REC 227 3:30pm MWF Jaganathan, Jishnu MATH G138
MA 22400 041 UNIV 201 3:30pm MWF Zeller, Andrew MATH 613
MA 22400 051 REC 227 4:30pm MWF Jaganathan, Jishnu MATH G138
MA 22400 061 PHYS 111 1:30pm MWF Stull, Nicholas MATH 617
MA 22400 071 UNIV 201 4:30pm MWF Zeller, Andrew MATH 613
MA 22400 081 PHYS 201 12:30pm MWF Xue, Jiachen MATH B011
MA 22400 091 REC 227 12:30pm MWF Peng, Guanying MATH G142
MA 22400 092 PHYS 111 7:30am MWF Ferraz de Andrade, Rodrigo MATH 633
MA 22400 093 PHYS 111 8:30am MWF Ferraz de Andrade, Rodrigo MATH 633
MA 22400 094 PHYS 110 9:30am MWF Luo, Yankeng MATH 437
MA 22400 095 REC 317 7:30am MWF Miser, Jill MATH 741
MA 22400 096 PHYS 111 2:30pm MWF Stull, Nicholas MATH 617
MA 22400 097 PHYS 201 11:30am MWF Xue, Jiachen MATH B011

Course Materials

Section Type Title Author
ALL Textbook Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences - with Connect+ An acceptable alternative is 978-0-07742-752-8 (Electronic) (11th) Hoffman & Bradley

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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