All presentations to take place in MATH 175. Coffee Breaks to be held outside MATH 175 in the lobby area.
Saturday, Dec. 1
Time | Event Information |
8:30 am | Coffee and Bagels |
9:00 am | Information and Opening Remarks |
9:10 am |
Suresh Garimella, Office of the Executive Vice President and Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, |
9:30 am | Dejan Slepcev, Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University, Optimization problems on random structures and their continuum limits |
10:30 am | Coffee Break |
11:00 am | Jennifer Neville, Computer Science and Statistics, Purdue University, Deep Learning for Relational Networks |
12:00 pm | Lunch |
2:00 pm | Mark Daniel Ward, Statistics and Mathematics, Purdue University, A Game Theory Problem from a Computational View |
3:00 pm | Alum talk: Jason Lucas, Metron, Inc, A Brief Explanation of Kalman Filters |
3:30 pm | Alum talk: Parsa Bakhtary, YouTube, Problem Formulation in Product Analytics |
4:00 pm |
Coffee Break |
4:30 pm | Alum talk: Yi Wang, Bloomberg, ML/AI @ Bloomberg: Practices & Practitioners |
5:00 pm | Alum talk: Pete Weigel, McKinsey & Company, Ensemble Machine Learning and Churn Reduction |
5:30 pm | Kaiser Fung, Founder, Principal Analytics Prep, The Data Science Boom: What is a Myth, What is Real, and Is it a Fit for You? |
7:00 pm | Reception, Purdue Memorial Union, 2nd floor, West Faculty Lounge (PMU 250) |
Sunday, Dec. 2
Time | Event Information |
8:30 am | Patrick Wolfe, College of Science, Computer Science, and Statistics, Purdue University, Big (Network) Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Data Science |
9:30 am | Michael Trosset, Statistics, Indiana University, Distances and Dissimilarities in Mathematics and Data Science |
10:30 am | Coffee Break |
11:00 am | Mireille Boutin, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, and Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering, Purdue University, Clustering Small Data using Random Projection |
12:00 pm | Alum talk: Nicholas Wegman, Antuit, Experiences in Data Science Consulting |
12:30 pm | Break (lunch provided) |
1:30 pm | Huda Nassar, Computer Science, Purdue University, The Julia Programming Language for Data Science |
2:00 pm | David Gleich, Computer Science and Mathematics, Purdue University, Principled higher-order and multi-way methods in data science |
3:00 pm | Raghu Pasupathy, Statistics, Purdue University, Stochastic Gradient Descent |