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MA 15300, Fall 2012

Course Info.


Exam Info.

Online Homework

Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 3.00. Exponents and radicals; algebraic and fractional expressions. Equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations. Polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Not open to students with credit in MA 15900. Not available for credit toward graduation in the School of Science. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 15300 002 MSEE B010 7:30am MWF Stratman, Daniel MATH 617
MA 15300 003 PHYS 202 7:30am MWF Theis, Stephen MATH 717
MA 15300 004 UNIV 217 7:30am MWF Han, Qing MATH 709
MA 15300 012 MSEE B010 8:30am MWF Stratman, Daniel MATH 617
MA 15300 013 PHYS 202 8:30am MWF Theis, Stephen MATH 717
MA 15300 014 PHYS 112 2:30pm MWF Bailey, Charlotte MATH 802
MA 15300 015 UNIV 217 8:30am MWF Han, Qing MATH 709
MA 15300 021 EE 222 9:30am MWF Valsaraju, Hridya MATH 741
MA 15300 023 PHYS 202 9:30am MWF Hines, Taylor MATH 641
MA 15300 024 UNIV 217 9:30am MWF Park, Eun Young MATH 739
MA 15300 032 MSEE B010 10:30am MWF Miser, Jill MATH 741
MA 15300 033 PHYS 202 10:30am MWF Hines, Taylor MATH 641
MA 15300 034 UNIV 217 10:30am MWF Reffett, Rachel MATH G136
MA 15300 041 EE 226 11:30am MWF Cusic, Robert MATH G136
MA 15300 042 MSEE B010 11:30am MWF Huckaby, Jordan MATH G136
MA 15300 043 PHYS 202 11:30am MWF Hanes, Carolyn MATH G136
MA 15300 051 REC 227 12:30pm MWF Bauer, Erin MATH G136
MA 15300 052 MSEE B010 12:30pm MWF Hamman, Justin MATH G136
MA 15300 053 PHYS 202 12:30pm MWF Backing, Thomas MATH 603
MA 15300 062 MSEE B010 1:30pm MWF Mullan, Sarah MATH 603
MA 15300 063 REC 112 1:30pm MWF Backing, Thomas MATH 603
MA 15300 064 UNIV 217 1:30pm MWF Miser, Jill MATH 741
MA 15300 065 BRNG 2280 1:30pm MWF Devlin, Patrick MATH 804
MA 15300 072 MSEE B010 2:30pm MWF Williams, Stephanie MATH G136
MA 15300 073 PHYS 202 2:30pm MWF Hupfer, Christine MATH G136
MA 15300 074 REC 227 2:30pm MWF Valsaraju, Hridya MATH 741
MA 15300 082 MSEE B010 3:30pm MWF Johnson, Graham MATH 741
MA 15300 083 PHYS 202 3:30pm MWF Moehring, Brian MATH 733
MA 15300 084 REC 227 3:30pm MWF Mullan, Sarah MATH 603
MA 15300 092 MSEE B010 4:30pm MWF Johnson, Graham MATH 741
MA 15300 093 PHYS 202 4:30pm MWF Moehring, Brian MATH 733

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

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