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MA 26100, Spring 2016

Course Info.


Exam Info.


Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 4.00. Planes, lines, and curves in three dimensions. Differential calculus of several variables; multiple integrals. Introduction to vector calculus. Not open to students with credit in MA 174 or 271. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 26100 600 CL50 224 12:30pm MWF Bauman, Patricia MATH 718
MA 26100 212 PHYS 202 12:30pm T Poghotanyan, Gayane MATH 713
MA 26100 271 REC 315 2:30pm T Taha, Razan MATH 611
MA 26100 281 REC 315 1:30pm T Taha, Razan MATH 611
MA 26100 292 PHYS 202 10:30am T Poghotanyan, Gayane MATH 713
MA 26100 325 PHYS 202 11:30am T Poghotanyan, Gayane MATH 713
MA 26100 326 PHYS 110 8:30am T Li, Hongshan MATH 1031
MA 26100 329 PHYS 110 7:30am T Li, Hongshan MATH 1031
MA 26100 333 PHYS 110 9:30am T Li, Hongshan MATH 1031
MA 26100 339 REC 315 3:30pm T Taha, Razan MATH 611
MA 26100 700 EE 129 1:30pm MWF Cai, Zhiqiang MATH 412
MA 26100 231 PHYS 110 2:30pm T Ritchie, Andrew MATH 1046
MA 26100 323 PHYS 202 9:30am T Hogle, Brian MATH 443
MA 26100 327 PHYS 110 4:30pm T Zhang, Tianshuo MATH 741
MA 26100 332 PHYS 202 7:30am T Hogle, Brian MATH 443
MA 26100 334 PHYS 202 8:30am T Hogle, Brian MATH 443
MA 26100 340 HAMP 2102 10:30am T Ritchie, Andrew MATH 1046
MA 26100 341 HAMP 2102 11:30am T Zhang, Tianshuo MATH 741
MA 26100 342 PHYS 110 3:30pm T Ritchie, Andrew MATH 1046
MA 26100 343 HAMP 2102 12:30pm T Zhang, Tianshuo MATH 741
MA 26100 800 EE 129 2:30pm MWF Cai, Zhiqiang MATH 412
MA 26100 201 HAMP 2101 9:30am T Li, Qinfeng MATH 707
MA 26100 241 HAMP 2101 11:30am T Egbert, Nicholas MATH 641
MA 26100 261 HAMP 2101 10:30am T Li, Qinfeng MATH 707
MA 26100 320 HAMP 2101 8:30am T Zhao, Yue MATH 443
MA 26100 324 HAMP 2101 12:30pm T Egbert, Nicholas MATH 641
MA 26100 328 HAMP 2101 2:30pm T Zhao, Yue MATH 443
MA 26100 330 HAMP 2101 4:30pm T Li, Qinfeng MATH 707
MA 26100 331 HAMP 2101 3:30pm T Zhao, Yue MATH 443
MA 26100 338 HAMP 2101 1:30pm T Egbert, Nicholas MATH 641

Course Materials

Section Type Title Author
ALL Textbook Calculus - Early Transcendentals Cengage Learning

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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