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MA 16500, Fall 2011

Course Info.


Exam Info.


Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 4.00. Introduction to differential and integral calculus of one variable, with applications. Conic sections. Designed for students who have had at least a one-semester calculus course in high school, with a grade of "A" or "B", but are not qualified to enter MA 16200 or 16600, or the advanced placement courses MA 27100. Demonstrated competence in college algebra and trigonometry. CTL:IMA 1602 Calculus -Long I 0 or 4 credit hours

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 16500 001 MATH 175 8:30am MWF Cai, Zhiqiang MATH 412
MA 16500 002 UNIV 003 8:30am R Weigandt, James MATH 1048
MA 16500 003 UNIV 003 9:30am R Weigandt, James MATH 1048
MA 16500 004 UNIV 003 10:30am R Menezes, Chris John MATH 741
MA 16500 005 UNIV 003 11:30am R Menezes, Chris John MATH 741
MA 16500 031 UNIV 003 7:30am R Weigandt, James MATH 1048
MA 16500 006 CL50 224 11:30am MWF Matsuki, Kenji MATH 614
MA 16500 007 UNIV 001 7:30am R Chandra, Rishabh MATH 741
MA 16500 008 UNIV 017 7:30am R Devarapalli, Ravali MATH 741
MA 16500 009 UNIV 017 8:30am R Devarapalli, Ravali MATH 741
MA 16500 010 UNIV 017 9:30am R Devarapalli, Ravali MATH 741
MA 16500 011 UNIV 017 10:30am R Chandra, Rishabh MATH 741
MA 16500 012 UNIV 017 11:30am R Chandra, Rishabh MATH 741
MA 16500 013 UNIV 017 12:30pm R Lunga, Wadzanai MATH 741
MA 16500 014 UNIV 017 1:30pm R Lunga, Wadzanai MATH 741
MA 16500 015 UNIV 017 2:30pm R Zhang, Wei MATH 719
MA 16500 016 UNIV 017 3:30pm R Zhang, Wei MATH 719
MA 16500 017 UNIV 017 4:30pm R Zhang, Wei MATH 719
MA 16500 018 UNIV 001 4:30pm R Lunga, Wadzanai MATH 741
MA 16500 020 MATH 175 1:30pm MWF Yeung, Sai MATH 712
MA 16500 021 UNIV 003 12:30pm R Menezes, Chris John MATH 741
MA 16500 022 UNIV 003 1:30pm R Jackson, Arthur MATH 701
MA 16500 023 UNIV 003 2:30pm R Somers, Melissa MATH 603
MA 16500 024 UNIV 003 3:30pm R Somers, Melissa MATH 603
MA 16500 030 UNIV 003 4:30pm R Somers, Melissa MATH 603
MA 16500 025 MATH 175 3:30pm MWF Zachmanoglou, Eleftherios MATH 646
MA 16500 026 UNIV 001 12:30pm R Kim, Jeong Hun MATH 741
MA 16500 027 UNIV 001 1:30pm R Kim, Jeong Hun MATH 741
MA 16500 028 UNIV 001 2:30pm R Kim, Jeong Hun MATH 741
MA 16500 029 UNIV 001 3:30pm R Jackson, Arthur MATH 701
MA 16500 032 UNIV 101 4:30pm R Jackson, Arthur MATH 701

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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