MATH 266 Ordinary Differential Equations

Section 113, Spring 2019


Course Information



Instructor: Guang Lin

Office: MATH 410, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN, 47907

Office hours: Tues 1:30-2:30 PM or by appointment






Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (10th edition), by W. Boyce and R. DiPrima, with WebAssign access code. 


Lecture Calendar with Fillable Notes:


Jan 8-10

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Jan 15-17

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6

Jan 22-24

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Jan 29-31

Lecture 10

Lecture 11

Lecture 12

Feb 5-7

Midterm #1 Review

Practical Midterm #1

Midterm #1

Feb 12-14

Lecture 13

Lecture 14

Lecture 15

Feb 19-21

Lecture 16

Lecture 17

Lecture 18

Feb 26-28

Lecture 19

Lecture 20

Lecture 21

Mar 5-7

Lecture 22

Lecture 23

Lecture 24

Mar 12-14

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Mar 19-21

Lecture 25

Lecture 26

Lecture 27

Mar 26-28

Lecture 28

Lecture 29

Lecture 30

Apr 2-4

Midterm #2 Review

Practical Midterm #2

Midterm #2

Apr 9-11

Lecture 31

Lecture 32

Lecture 33

Apr 16-18

Lecture 34

Lecture 35

Final Review

Apr 23-25

Final Review

Practical Final

Practical Final Review




Lectures Time and Location


Section 113: TR 10:30-11:45AM

Classroom: UNIV 303



Course Guide


Please refer to the Math Department math266 homepage for general course information such as textbook, homework, exam and grade policy.


Midterm and Final Exam:

Throughout the semester, there will be two Midterms and one Final Exam. Midterms are in class. The final exam is in the Final Exam Week. The date and the location will be announced later in class.

Calculators are NOT allowed in exams.







Homework for this course consists of two types: online homework and hand-graded homework. The online homework is based on the WebAssign system. Most online homework is due Thursday 11:45pm. The hand-graded problems come from three resources: textbook problems, supplementary problems, and Matlab projects. Hand-graded homework will be collected every Thursday in class. Weekly homework assignment will be published on the course webpage.

No late homework will be accepted.


Homework should be readable and stapled. Illegible scribbling will receive no credit from the grader. For Matlab projects, you should hand in the printout of your Matlab session, including the source code and the generated graphs. You are encouraged to discuss with your classmates. However, your write-up must be independent. Homework assignments of high similarity will receive no credit.


This part is based on the WebAssign online homework system.

Hand-graded homework problems.
These problems are to be turned in and graded by the grader. A list of the hand-graded homework problems (as well as a list of the online homework problems) can be found in this assignment sheet.
Hand-graded homework problems include three categories:

Textbook problems;

Supplementary problems ;

Matlab projects; Project 1Project 2 Project 3 .

For example, in the assignment sheet, "2" means Problem 2 of the corresponding section in the textbook; "A" means Supplementary Problem A; "Project 1" means the Matlab project 1. Note that "supplementary problems" are mandatory, not optional.


Weekly homework assignments are listed below. They can also be found in the assignment sheet



Online Problems

Online Problems 
Due Date

Hand-graded Problems

Hand-graded Problems 
Due Date

HW 1

Lessons 1-3

Section 1.1: #11, #14, #15, #17, #19 
Section 1.2: #1, #8a 
Section 1.3: #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, #18, #20 
Section 2.1: #1c, #13, #18, #23b, #28, #32

Jan 17 at 11:45pm

Section 1.1: #2, #5 
Section 1.3: #8, #11 
Section 2.1: #3, #24 
Supplementary Problem A

Jan 17 in class


Lessons 4-6

Section 2.2: #1, #4, #9a, #22, #23

Section 2.2: Homogeneous Eqns. #32b

Section 2.3: #3, #4

Jan 24 at 11:45pm

Section 2.2: #11, #14, #28

Section 2.2: #36; Supplementary Problem B, C

Section 2.3: #1, #2

Jan 24 in class


Lessons 7-9

Section 2.3: #20a, b, #23a, b, c

Section 2.4: #2, #4, #7, #11, #18, #28 (due on Feb. 13)

Section 2.5: #3b, #3c, #12b, #12c, #17b

Jan 31 at 11:45pm

Section 2.3: #16, #21, #22, #29

Section 2.4: #17, #22a, b; Supplementary Problem D

Section 2.5: #4, #22; Supplementary Problem E

Jan 31 in class


Lessons 10-12

Section 2.6: #1, #3, #6, #8, #10, #14, #16

Section 2.7: #1a,d*, #4a,d*

Section 2.7: #12, #17

Feb 14 at 11:45pm

Section 2.6: #18; Supplementary Problem F

Section 2.7: #20 a, b, d

Section 2.7: Supplementary Problem G, H, I

Feb 14 in class


Lessons 13-15

Section 3.1: #1, #2, #6, #7, #10, #16, #17, #23

Section 3.2: #1, #5, #7, #9, #18, #24, #28*

Section 3.3: #1, #6, #8, #10, #11, #19

Feb 21 at 11:45pm

Section 3.1: #19, #22

Section 3.2: # 13, #14, #25

Section 3.3: # 17, #23

Feb 21 in class


Lessons 16-18

Section 3.4: #2, #4, #8, #14, #18b, #23

Section 3.5: #1, #2, #5, #8, #10, #16, #18, #20

Section 3.6: #2, #3, #10, #13

Feb 28 at 11:45pm

Section 3.4: #15, #25

Section 3.5: #15, #21a , #22a

Section 3.6: #15, Supplementary Problem J

Feb 28 in class


Lesson 19-21

Section 3.7: #1, #3, #4, #6*

Section 3.7: #17

Section 3.8: #6, #9, #10

Mar 7 at 11:45pm

Section 3.7: #9, #28 (due Mar 5 in class)

Matlab Project 1 (due Mar 12 in class)

Section 3.8: #7 (due Mar 5 in class)

Mar 7 in class


Lesson 22-24

Section 4.1:# 3,# 4, #6

Section 4.2: #11, #12, #19, #22, #31, #34

Section 4.3: #2, #4, #6, #10, #12, #16, #18

Section 6.1: #1, #4, #10, #12

Mar 21 at 11:45pm

Section 4.3: Supplementary Problem K, (due Mar 12 in class)

Section 6.1: #5b, #8, #15 (due Mar 12 in class)

Mar 21 in class


Lesson 25-27

Section 6.2: #1, #5, #8, #11, #19, #24, #26

Section 6.3: #13, #14, #17, #19, #22

Section 6.4: #1a, #2a, #3a, #6a, #9a, #11a, #12a

Mar 28 at 11:45pm

Section 6.2: #10, #21

Section 6.3: #1, #2, #18, #21, #23

Matlab Project 2

Mar 28 in class


Lesson 28-30

Section 6.5: #1a, #4a, #8a, #11a

Section 6.6: #6, #8, #10, #14, #17

Section 7.1: #1, #2, #10a;

Section 7.2: #2c

Apr 11 at 11:45pm

Section 6.5: #14ab;

Supplementary Problem L

Section 6.6: #4, #5

Section 7.2: #22, #23;

Supplementary Problem M

Apr 11 in class


Lesson 31-33

Section 7.3: #13, #16

Section 7.5: #9, #15

Section 7.6: #1a, #10, #16ab*

Apr 18 at 11:45pm

Section 7.3: #17, #20

Section 7.5: #1, #4;

Supplementary Problem N

Section 7.6: #2, #6

Apr 18 in class


Lesson 34-35

Section 7.8: #1c, #7a, #9a

Section 7.9: #3, #7

Apr 25 at 11:45pm

Supplementary Problem O, P

Matlab Project 3

Apr 25 in class




Matlab Tutorials:

How to use an M-file 


Grading Policy:

Homework assignments: 33.3%

Midterm Exam I: 16.7%

Midterm Exam II: 16.7%

Final Exam: 33%

Scores of hand-graded homework assignments and exams will be published on WebAssign.

Late homework will not be accepted

Academic dishonesty are prohibited

The two worst homework scores will be dropped.


Useful Links:

Department of Mathematics, Math266 homepage
Department of Mathematics
Past Final Exam Archive